Advanced Setup
  • 05 Jul 2023
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Advanced Setup

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ChargeLogic Retail Express provides several advanced setup options beyond the basic setup that is provided in the Retail Express Setup Wizard. This help topic will discuss how to use advanced setup options to fit your company’s needs.

To get started, navigate to the EFT Setup Card and select General > Retail Express to see the advanced setup menus.

Permission Sets

While going through the Retail Express Setup Wizard, you may remember selecting permission sets for your cashiers. Permission sets define the actions that a cashier can perform in the point of sale. When a cashier attempts to perform an action in the POS that they don’t have permission to do, they will be prompted to provide new credentials. At this point, a cashier that does have the required permission set, like a manager, may enter their credentials to allow the action to proceed.

The columns in the POS Permission Sets page show the different actions that can be allowed or restricted for a cashier. If you would like to enable an action, you can check the box for that action in the row for that permission type. Then, you can assign permission set records to cashiers in the Salespeople table.

Retail Express comes with two default permission sets, “Cashier” and “Manager.” Each of these permission sets has a predefined set of actions that cashiers with that permission set can perform. You may change these default permission sets or create your own to customize cashier permissions to fit your needs.

Interface Profiles

Interface Profiles are used to configure the way that the point of sale will look at your terminals. You assign interface profile records to terminals in your store, and then, when the point of sale is launched at those terminals, they will display the point of sale as configured for the interface profile.

Using Interface Profiles, you can configure the POS button layout, tendering options, and prompt displays at the terminal level. For instance, you could create an interface profile with a button design that is only for creating special orders, or only for taking returns. You could even create unique button configurations for every one of your terminals using interface profiles.

Button Layout

Select the POS Button Designer action to change the buttons that are displayed on terminals that are assigned the selected profile. For more information on using the POS Button Designer, see the Your First POS Button, Navigating the Button Designer: Button Layout, and Navigating the Button Designer: Button Properties help topics.

Tender Types

Select the Tender Types action to open the POS Tender Commands page. Use this page to add, remove, or rename the tender types visible to cashiers on the POS tendering screen for the selected profile. To add a tender type, select the drop down in the Command Code field and select a tender type from the list. To remove a tender type, delete it from the list. To rename a tender type, change the text in the Name field.

Quick Cash

Select the Quick Cash action to open the Quick Cash page. This page allows you to set three denominations to use as Quick Cash buttons on the POS tendering screen. To choose a denomination, select from the dropdown in the Denomination Code field.


Select the Prompts action to set configurable prompts that will be displayed to the cashier under certain conditions. For more information about using prompts, see the How to Collect Information Using Prompts help topic.

Currency Denominations

You can use the Currency Denominations page to change the denominations that are used in your retail system. Retail Express populates the default data for currency denominations with USD.

The currency denominations in this menu are what you will use to set your Quick Cash options and to count the drawer when closing a shift in the point of the sale.

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