Bulk Upload of Data to Versapay Cloud
  • 28 Jun 2023
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Bulk Upload of Data to Versapay Cloud

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Article summary


In contrast to the “Mass Upload” features on the Open Log Entries menu, which uses the live API to exchange data from Business Central to the VPCP, the Open Bulk Upload Entries uses file exchange which is faster and more efficient for exchanging large quantities of data securely. There are three major activities managed from the Open Bulk Upload Entries screen:

  • Mass Upload of Customers: Sending a bulk list of customer accounts to be added to the VPCP. Depending on the settings enabled on the VPCP, this may trigger invitations to be sent to those customers.

  • Mass Upload of Invoices and Credit Memos: Sending a bulk list of invoices and credit memos to be added to the VPCP.

  • Reconciliation: Comparison of the Business Central open invoices with the open invoices presented on the VPCP.

To start, find the activity under “Versapay Cloud Platform Activities” called “Open Bulk Upload Entries”.

Bulk Upload of Customers, Invoices, and Credit Memos

Best practices recommend completing a Bulk Upload of Customers to the VPCP prior to Invoices or Credit Memos using the Bulk Upload or Mass Create Customer actions.

To start a Bulk Upload of Customers, go to the Open Bulk Upload Entries screen, Actions, Start Other Bulk Uploads and choose either Upload of Customers.

Select the filers needed to identify the bulk data desired to be sent to the VPCP.

This will open a new entry line in the Open Bulk Upload Entries.

The bulk upload will run in the background and if there are no errors it will close the open entry when the process is complete. You will be able to see the results of a closed entry by clearing the filter. If there is an error the return message will be displayed in the Upload Result Message on the open entry line.

To start a Bulk Upload of Invoices and Credit Memos go to the Open Bulk Upload Entries screen, Actions, Start Other Bulk Uploads and choose Upload of Invoices and Credit Memos.

Select the filers needed to identify the bulk data desired to be sent to the VPCP.

This will open a new entry line in the Open Bulk Upload Entries

The bulk upload will run in the background and if there are no errors it will close the open entry when the process is complete. You will be able to see the results of a closed entry by clearing the filter. If there is an error the return message will be displayed in the Upload Result Message on the open entry line.

If Invoices and/or Credit Memos are sent related to a Customer not yet present on the VPCP, it will result in an error. Best practices recommend that Customers are sent to the VPCP prior to Invoices or Credit Memos using the Bulk Upload or Mass Create Customer actions. Once the Customers are in sync with the VPCP you can preform the Bulk Upload of Invoices and/or Credit Memos again.


PDF documents, like PDF invoices, from Business Central can not be sent using the Bulk Upload. When a Bulk Upload of Invoices and Credit Memos is created, the PDF attachments will be sent separately though the live API which is used for Mass Uploads. This process may take some additional time to complete.

Wallet entries like credit card and ACH accounts are not included in the Bulk Upload.

You can perform a Bulk Uploads of Customers, Invoices and Credit Memos as many times is needed to ensure your data is in sync. Duplicates will be detected and ignored. To ensure you are in sync with the VPCP, you can run a reconciliation.

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