ChargeLogic Notify Setup Wizard
  • 05 Jul 2023
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ChargeLogic Notify Setup Wizard

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Article summary

Before You Begin

Before you set up ChargeLogic Notify, you must configure the SMTP Mail settings in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Search for SMTP Setup and complete the configuration if you have not already done so.


From the Dynamics 365 Business Central Home page, click Setup & Extensions and choose the Assisted Setup action in the ribbon to open the Assisted Setup List.

Select the ChargeLogic Notify item from the Assisted Setup List to open the ChargeLogic Notify Setup Wizard.


Welcome to the ChargeLogic Notify Setup Wizard. Click Next to continue.

Automatic Notifications

ChargeLogic Notify can send notifications to people related to the orders you enter in your system. These e-mail notifications can be sent manually or automatically. Depending on your company’s specific needs and your workflow, it can be convenient to have the system send these notifications automatically. Automatic notifications are triggered by specific events related to the order, like posting a shipment. Some events can occur multiple times, like releasing an order. For these events you can select whether the notification is sent just the first time the event occurs or every time the event occurs. Make your selections, and click Next to continue.

Send From

Enter the name and e-mail address from which you want your notifications to be sent from. Note that ChargeLogic Notify uses the configuration on the SMTP Mail Setup that is part of Dynamics 365 Business Central to send e-mail. Some SMTP servers require that the From E-Mail address match the address of the SMTP authenticated user. For example, if you specify as the SMTP User ID on the SMTP Mail Setup Card, your server might require that the From E-Mail address for ChargeLogic Notify be

Template Selection

ChargeLogic Notify comes pre-populated with templates for Dynamics 365 Business Central sales activities. The Sales E-Mail Templates page allows you to define which templates are assigned to each Customer. In the Sales Type field, you can select All Customers to assign templates to all Customers in the system. Then, you can choose specific Customers or Customer Groups to assign alternate templates to. Template selections can also be date-driven, but you can leave the date fields blank to apply that template all the time.


That’s it! The ChargeLogic Notify Setup Wizard is now complete, and your sales documents will now have e-mail notification capabilities. Click Finish to close the Wizard.

Pre-Selecting Recipients

With ChargeLogic Notify, you can specify which people will automatically be added to the recipients list for specific types of sales documents. Open a Customer Card and open the Address & Contact FastTab. You will see fields for Sales Quote E-Mail and Sales Confirmation E-Mail, as well as fields other types of sales documents. For each document type, you can choose whether the e-mail address on the Card will be automatically added to the To, CC, or BCC list for notification related to the Customer.

Similar options exist on the Contact Card, the Salesperson Card, and the User Setup List.

Permission Sets

Add the ChargeLogic Notify Permission Sets to the appropriate User Groups. From the Dynamics 365 Business Central Home page, select Company Settings from the ribbon to open the Company Information page. Click the Users action in the ribbon to open the Users list. Then click Permission Set by User Group on the ribbon. Assign the NOTIFY-SETUP Permission Set to User Groups that should be allowed to modify setup data like Templates. Assign the NOTIFY-GENERAL Permission Set to User Groups that should be allowed to send emails. This includes Sales-related User Groups.

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