Versapay Payments Release Notes
  • 18 Sep 2024
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Versapay Payments Release Notes

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Article summary


Release Date 9/18/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Enhanced logic as to which date BC uses to establish the payment date for a C-AR retrieved payment.

  • Increase performance on EFT Order to sales order when payment method already exists in BC.

  • Skip wallet mgt. process if Do Not Auto-Save Credit Cards is enabled on the Customer Card has been added.

  • Payment amount in BC does NOT match payment amount in Versapay Cloud Platform and gateway has been corrected.

  • Conditional Lines missing on receipt design for the VPY gateway have been added.

  • Wallet search may result in wrong fund token on e-commerce transaction retrievals has been corrected.

Misc. Issues

  • ISO Alphabetic Code field being populated in the currency table for LCY Currencies from Payment Wizard has been corrected.

  • Enhanced Json parser to better handle importing big text values.

  • Card details not saved on the recurring EFT transactions has been corrected.


Release Date 8/19/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Enhanced handling of pending transactions from the VPY gateway

  • Capture Errors when Posting Customer Entries with auto-post enabled has been addressed

  • Prevent of bulk upload of credit card and bank accounts if Bill-to Name is blank

  • Enhanced C-AR Payment retrieval to better handle applications

  • Improved handling of surcharge invoices in BC if unapplied

  • Improved handling of authorization reversals during process to apply converted tokens

  • Enhanced to Mass Delete Log Entries batch process

  • Added fraud protection to credit card CreateProfile transactions for the VPY network only

  • Added the "Do not Sync with the Versapay Cloud Platform" Field to the General Journal Page

  • Added publisher to allow a custom process to skip the creation of a Versapay ARC Log entry

  • Added logic when applying converted VPY tokens to filter for non-blank Protected Account No. records

  • Removed possible run time error when the Versapay ARC Log UpdateOpenFlag procedure runs

  • Resolved Issue with Amount duplications in BC for payments coming from CashApp

  • Resolved Overrun runtime error can occur when creating new credit cards

Misc. Issues

  • Detection of inventory picks may cause settlement options to be ignored erroneously has been corrected.

  • Updated Key Vault URL in app.json

  • Created Publish Request for Codeunit 37028305EFT MGT -CL-

  • Prevented Copilot action if clicked in On Prem versions of BC 24 and higher

  • Incorporated Settlement Options into Ready to Settle Transactions Cue

  • Worked on removing MS warnings since recent change to the runtime version in use


Release Date 7/16/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Added logic to prevent processing C-AR watermark-based retrievals more than once

  • Updated the warning message triggered when running conversion process

  • Enhanced sales and service order / quote handling in the log to allow empty report ID

  • Transaction Information not coming back onto the Posted Sales Invoice when payment is made from the PayNow or Customer Portal has been corrected.

  • 'Index out of bounds' Error When Running 'Mass Delete Log Entries' Function in Log has been corrected.

  • Bulk Upload of credit cards and bank accounts are not dealing with blank Tender Type transactions with Protected Account Number has been corrected.

  • Record not found error on Send Electronic Invoice in Posted Sales Invoice is resolved.

  • EFT Trans retrieved from web order can cause endless loop has been corrected.

  • E-comm Web Order with coupons not settling in BC with right amount has been corrected.

  • Apply Converted Tokens fails if at least one card was declined has been corrected.

Misc. Issues

  • Work on removing Microsoft warnings in the Payments app has been completed.

  • Use Copilot to help users better understand response messages on decline or errors.

  • Created method to track source of EFT payments.

  • Worked on handling Microsoft warnings due to recent change in runtime to 12.1.

  • Created API pages to allow e-commerce applications to retrieve customer credit cards.

  • Reworked EFT settlement timing when picks are involved.

  • Bin Content error not getting triggered when bin content has been deleted has been corrected.

  • Fixed case statement on codeunit 37043321.

  • Receipt designer does not handle Media field correctly has been corrected.

  • Enhanced RemovePrefixSuffix function in 37028760 "EFT CDS Mgt. -CL-".

  • User Permissions - EFTGENERAL have been updated.

  • Post Preview does not work from an Inventory Pick has been corrected.


Release Date 5/30/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Improved handling of expired credit cards on Bulk Upload to Versapay Cloud Platform

  • Added Address 2 to the customer credit card and checking accounts pages

  • Added find_by attribute to direct message API calls to Versapay Cloud

  • Enhanced Retrieve Transaction for Documents for auto-settling and Wallet Cloning

  • Issue with retrieving web order transaction linked to expired credit cards is resolved

  • Enhanced Insert Precursor to use new C-AR Pay Now Enhancements

  • Incorporated blank Document Type open customer ledger entries in the Versapay Cloud Platform integration

  • Removed the updating of the E-Mail field on the customer card from changes made in Versapay Cloud

  • Enhanced creation of job queue entry used to process the Versapay Platform log

  • Skipped Versapay Platform log entries that are connected to a Job Queue Entry when processing the log

  • Added Check Type to the wallet integration

  • Improved use of fund token vs. gateway token logic in gateway communications

  • Issue with submitting Queued Sales Invoice ACH Payments/VPYNETWORK ACH Transactions are resolved

  • Payments Reconciliation shows certain discrepancies erroneously has been corrected

  • Different Wallet Tokens for Same Contact Record has been corrected

  • Settlement reporting batches can have unrelated transactions included has been fixed

Misc. Issues

  • Enhanced Expiring Customer Credit Cards page to allow deletions

  • Enhanced on screen progress window when initially populating the default data

  • Enhanced host capture posting process to always include the related summary lines

  • Reworked Payments app so that it is compatible with the Great Britain (GB) version of BC

  • Legacy Datacap PIN pad Fiserv-DATACAP transactions stuck as 'Pending' resulting in duplicate charges has been corrected

  • Error Processing Connect Gift Card Transactions have been resolved

  • All Fields Disabled When Initiating a Web Payment Refund from a Sales Credit Memo or Return Order has been addressed

  • Payment Transactions Downloaded From Connect Have a Blank "Account Data Source" has been corrected

  • Unable to perform Refund/Credit from Sales Credit Memo with SureTax has been resolved

  • Error When Voiding a Return Settle Transaction for NOVATERM has been corrected

  • Gift Card "Account Number" Disappears After Exiting Field has been corrected

  • "Account Number is not compatible with the selected tender type" Error for Gift Card Refund Transactions has been fixed

  • Error when retrieving Sales Quote using Connect has been corrected


Release Date 4/15/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Added customer setups and integration to support Autopay in C-AR

  • Enhanced re-processing of Payments, Wallets & Customer Changes to prevent duplicate updating

  • Updating the Account Number for Autopay without going off the record does not work has been corrected

  • Improved E-Commerce wallet mgt. when the customer is created during the web order transfer to a sales order

  • Copy E-Commence Payments Methods from ghost wallet to customer wallet upon retrieval has been added

  • Use fund token vs. gateway token as the Tokenized Account Number when creating records in BC from payment methods entered in C-AR

  • Import of Credit Cards is failing due to customer names with commas has been corrected

  • PATCH of VPY wallets does not change the street address has been corrected

  • Setting prefix / suffix on VPY Setup page errors due to MS auto-save change has been corrected

  • French Characters are causing log entries to fail in BC24 has been corrected

Misc. Changes

  • Added Alpha-2 and Alpha-3 ISO codes for Kosovo

  • Added Publisher in codeunit 37028335

  • Improved Create Profile logic to create tokens for relevant gateway accounts only

  • Added additional Event Publishers

  • Updated Event Subscriber to support BC23 and BC24

  • Tokenization fails with PLEASE RETRY message when done via a EFT Transaction for the FirstData North gateway has been corrected

  • Bin content cannot be found when using a different UOM has been corrected

  • Gateway Document Type Methods are not correct for gateway VITAL has been corrected

  • Defaulting behavior on EFT Transaction Card can be faulty has been fixed

  • Prevent Service Orders From Being Posted if an Electronic Payment Request has Been Sent has been added

  • POS Credit Card Transactions error with "Expiration Month must have a value in EFT Transaction" has been corrected



Release Date 3/4/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Enhanced Synchronization Setups to split refunds out from payments

  • Added action to update Gateway Account Routes from System Check Detail page

  • Enhanced Process Log Entries to reprocess all open Bulk Process Log Entries

  • Enhanced retrieval of C-AR customer changes to better handle phone numbers that contain letters

  • Removed restriction that users be activated when sending order requests and invoice reminders to C-AR

  • Enhanced Web Order retrieval so Fund Tokens are stored as Gateway Tokens

  • C-AR deleted payment methods require that same method is blocked in BC with use of Fund Tokens

  • Added functionality so upon upgrade, copy fund token to the token field for VPY token records

  • Create profile sending incorrect name as the Cardholder Name for the credit card and checking account has been corrected

  • Business Central initiated Reverse Transaction of Payments is not getting sent properly to C-AR has been corrected

Misc. Changes

  • Created ability to auto authorize a sales order only once

  • Added EFT Transactions List From Customer Filters on Sell-to Customer.

  • Improved EFT Transaction Archive Process

  • Enhanced Sales Quote page to provide more information to the user on EFT impact

  • Added Publisher Request for Table 37028311 Customer Credit Card -CL-

  • Stripped non-numeric characters from entry of Account Number after Track 1 and 2 are evaluated

  • Removed CVV2_Indicator of 9 when using the Novaterm gateway

  • Do Not Save Chk Acct toggle causes run-time error when adding checking account from Customer card has been corrected

  • Retail Express POS with Avalara showing wrong balance due and wrong tax amount while doing split payments has been corrected.


Release Date 2/1/2024

Misc. Changes

  • A Run-time error occurring when settling an approved authorization when the data protection type is Encrypted Storage for a Gateway that should be Tokenization is resolved

  • When retrieving transactions from Connect while using the FDMSRCUS gateway, an error occurring while trying to process the response of the tokenization attempt has been addressed.


Release Date 1/22/2024

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Prevented direct change of Data Protection Type on VPYNETWORK gateway account from Encryption or Remote Storage to Tokenization

  • Prevented adding token record for gateway account that is Disabled

  • Update Bulk Upload of Customers using Request Page for Activity Selection is now supported

  • Enhanced Import of Credit Cards and Bank Accounts to always reverse unused authorizations

  • Reversing Entry for Deposit Account When Customer Ledger Entry Reversed is now created

  • Enabled the Auto Settle feature for VPY Order Deposits from Service Mgt.

  • Enhanced bulk upload of credit cards to skip expired cards

  • Enhanced Process Log Entries to re-process Bulk Process Customer Log Entries

  • Improved error message if user cancels a SRDKey input for the VPY gateway

  • Added ability to Process all or selected web orders directly from the EFT Order List page

  • Enhanced Pay URL feature to force sending of the invoice if the Insert Precursor does not get sent

  • Enhanced Invoice Inserts to C-AR to include the PDF if invoice is not zero amount

  • Removed TestField from Cust Ledg. Entry Do not Sync Field

  • User Mgt. can error out with no UI due to faulty Sync Setups has been corrected

  • Invoice Insert Logs get stuck because of Invoice Precursor Logs on Mass Create is addressed

  • Request on Payment Insert to C-AR is not formatted correctly with prepaid invoices has been corrected

  • Bin Content error not getting triggered when bin content has been deleted is resolved

  • Added logic to loop retrieval of VPY E-Mail notifications if GET exceeds 100 records

  • Enhance VPYNETWORK Gateway to disallow submits with an empty Account Number

Misc. Changes

  • Enhanced “Auto” Processes to allow user to opt out for selected document

  • Lookup from sales order when payment method is echeck shows the incorrect caption

  • Enhanced new tokenization input page to support clients who do not save customer credit cards

  • Added flexibility to receipt printing and emailing functionality for ignoring error/declines

  • Filtered Account Number lookup to show relevant cards / accounts only

  • Added web order retrieval logic to function even if the Synchronization Setup is set to Bidirectional

  • Added Publishers to EFT Order to Sales Order Codeunit

  • Credit Card Re-Authorize process fails if related document is now less than the original authorization is addressed

  • Language test on web orders is now corrected

  • Shopify order conversion conflicting with our EFT Event subscribers has been addressed

  • Invoice no longer remains open after payment retrieval from C-AR of discounted payment when tolerance is enabled

  • EFT Setup Advisor no longer resets the Store Card when clicking Show Records for a warning on the Store

  • Summary line amounts are now correct when using payment discounts with auto posting enabled


Release Date 11/30/2023

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Changed Versapay gateway operations to use fund tokens vs gateway tokens.

  • Enhanced Reporting Settlement process to handle multi-currency.

  • Added customer to requests when communicating to the VPY gateway.

  • Improved how the Customer No. is determined during web order retrieval.

  • Added additional response codes to the VPYNETWORK gateway.

  • Enhanced web order retrieval if company name is blank

  • Enhanced Tokenization Update Profile Process to make it more fault tolerant.

  • Enhanced Versapay User Mgt. API calls to return actual error message if an error is encountered.

  • VERSAPAY gateway Synch Codeunits have been deleted.

  • Hosted Web Orders Not Filling in the Bill-To from the Customer card to the EFT Transaction, but Rather, it’s Picking up the Sell-To Customer Number has been corrected.

  • Error on Sales Return Order : 102.155: DECLINE. EXCEEDS MAX REFUND AMOUNT. has been addressed.

  • Sales Order is still open in C-AR after the payment is retrieved and posted in BC – Order Deposit has been fixed.

  • Pulling in Web Orders While having Two Connect Stores with the Auto-Create Sales Orders Toggle Enabled Causes an Error has been resolved.

Misc. Changes

  • Added EFT activities to the Accountant role center.

  • Make sure all tasks on our activity pages can be called if the activity pages are not on the role center.

  • Update licensing wizard to replace ChargeLogic with Versapay.

  • Update EFT POS Login page based on Microsoft warning.

  • Force populate Issuer ID No. table on all upgrades.

  • Adjustments for SureTax changes to better handle clients using WMS have been made.

  • Changes to the Sales Header record cannot be saved because some information on the page is not up-to-date has been corrected.

  • Added Index of Unposted Doc Type and Unposted Doc No to EFT Transaction to Improve Performance.

  • EFT Batch Entries action is not showing in the correct place on the Customer Ledger Entries page has been updated

  • EFT Apply Entry -CL- already exists error on Settle Transaction from Customer Card has been resolved.

  • When auto-posting the CRJ is enabled, other journal batch types such as the FA G/L Journal are also being posted has been corrected.

  • Retail Express POS Split Payment Causing Negative Tax Amount & Incorrect Balance Due has been corrected.


Release Date 10/17/2023

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Enhanced bulk upload mgt. to more gracefully handle UI when communications have been disabled.

  • Users that have their region set to French (Canada) causes the retrieval of C-AR payments to not work properly has been corrected.

  • Unable to process payments in BC where credit memo is applied to Invoice from C-AR has been corrected.

  • Surcharges are applied twice on the same CC payments after payment posted in Cash Receipt Journal has been addressed.

  • Sales Orders with the "Do not Sync with the Versapay Cloud Platform" Option Enabled are Still Being Sent to C-AR has been fixed.

Misc. Changes

  • When Prevent Manual Account Number Entry is enabled users cannot select saved credit cards and checking accounts has been enhanced.

  • Auto-save feature causes Account Number field to stop working properly has been corrected

  • Added a Publisher in Codeunit 37028302 EFT Submit Batch -CL-

  • Unable to post sales order that is converted from Sales Quote when payment received from Click-To-Pay has been corrected

  • Tokenization done via the transaction is not working due to recent auto-save work has been corrected.

  • Blank Account Number on EFT Transaction during post with Auto Authorize on Ship has been addressed.

  • Click-to-Pay URL causes run-time error when clients use the Auto-Authorize on Ship setting has been addressed.


Release Date 9/14/2023

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • PayNow Link now accessible from the Posted Sales Invoice report

  • Expanded Click-To-Pay URL field on Service Inv. Header Table Ext.

  • Updates needed for pay now link retrieval work

  • Order Deposit Request does not include sales tax when SureTax is in use has been corrected

  • Voiding of an unposted EFT Transaction erroneously communicates with gateway has been corrected

  • Invoice discounts are getting sent to Versapay Cloud Platform as sales tax has been corrected

  • External Prepayments applied to invoices before prepayment and application are retrieved do not process correctly in BC has been corrected

  • BC applications of multiple payments to one invoice do not update C-AR correctly.

  • Discrepancies on C-AR Reconciliations over 100 are not getting retrieved into BC had been corrected

Gateway Changes

  • FDMSRC gateway errors saying Registration URL already exists when Service URLs get deleted and a Discovery happens have been resolved

Misc. Changes

  • Removed obsolete procedure in codeunit 37028400 Pop. EFT Crit. Defaults

  • Removed unused variables from changes made recently

  • Updated SureTax logic to use different codeunits due to change made by SureTax

  • Removed Customer Template table relation for BC23.0

  • SureTax calculation is not correct if the sales order has had a previous partial shipment has been corrected

  • Run-time error using EFT Transaction Card on unposted service documents is fixed

  • Issue with retrieving Click to Pay Authorizations has been resolved

  • The conversion of deposit requests of sales quotes to orders does not always work properly has been corrected


Release Date 8/17/2023

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Enhanced Bulk Upload of Credit Cards to send full address

  • Added payment reconciliation to the list of bulk uploads

  • Added user message when action Retrieve Settlement Reports completes

  • Enhanced web order page to allow users to delete selected orders directly from the list page

  • Enhanced payment reconciliation to handle unapplied amounts on C-AR initiated payments

  • Made Allow Flexibility on the Order Payment Request to VPY remember user’s previous selection

  • Enhanced payment reconciliation to use recently added customer identifier to discrepancy outflow

  • Cleaned up the Job Queue Entry table for errored out Versapay Log entries

  • When a Surcharge Invoice is created, the default dimensions on the related records, i.e. customer, should default in as well has been addressed

  • C-AR supports special characters (letters) that are being sanitized out when sending any data up to C-AR has been fixed

  • Enhanced the renaming of customers to use the update identifier endpoint

  • Added logic to populate the Account Type field when credit cards and checking accounts get tokenized

  • C-AR payments that apply to credit memos may not get marked as Applied has been addressed

  • Fixes to Special Character Handling Work

  • Fixed issue where Settle transactions to VPY are remaining in Pending status yet charge goes through

  • Payments from C-AR with lapsed payment discount do not post properly if tolerance is enabled has been addressed

  • Payment methods stored in C-AR as a buyer group do not get stored in BC for the related customers has been addressed

  • Web order to sales order transfer process does not transfer gift card EFT Transactions when combined with ACH payments has been corrected

  • Import Setups routine fails if a Default Store No. and Default Terminal No. have values in a Gateway Account Route record has been corrected

  • Bulk upload of credit cards and checking accounts encounters problems if VPY gateway was used with non-tokenized cards has been addressed

  • Added modify permissions to protected tables to page Versapay Bulk Upload Tokens

  • Retrieval of payment reconciliation discrepancies can result in a run-time error has been addressed

  • Division mapping set to GD1 or GD2 is causing incorrect dimensions values to be sent to C-AR has been corrected

  • When the Customer Synch Setup is set to Cloud to ERP only, customer records are still being sent up to C-AR along with their changes has been fixed

  • The VPY order request dialog is not resetting the Requested Amount to the Order / Quote Remaining Amount has been fixed

  • Bulk upload of Payments does not work if text fields contain commas has been addressed

  • Multiple sales order deposit requests sent to C-AR do not display correctly in C-AR has been fixed

  • Order Deposit Request dialogs fails occasionally due to non-committed write has been corrected

  • Allow the user to filter on the Customer Ledger table when generating a Bulk upload of Invoices/Credit Memos has been added

Gateway Changes

  • FDMSRC: Another user has modified the record for this EFT Terminal Account ID after you retrieved it from the database has been addressed

  • Update Datacap codeunit to remove parse of the RecordNo attribute

Misc. Changes

  • EFT General Permission Set has indirect permissions for some tables that are not explicitly allowed via related objects

  • On delete logic for Customer Credit Card and Customer Checking Account tables do not set the Line No. filter correctly has been corrected


Release Date: 6/23/2023

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Added ability to retrieve watermarked statements

  • Extend Send Electronic Payment Request to support multiple requests

  • Hid option to Click to vault new card if the Gateway does not support profile creation

  • Respect Filtering When Processing Versapay Cloud Platform Log Entries

  • Added Menu Selections to Versapay Cloud Platform Log Page to Toggle the Filter on the ‘Open’ Field

  • Allow the sending of finance charge memos to C-AR even if an Issued Fin. Charge Memo Header record does not exist

  • Set “Synchronization Direction” to ‘No Integration’ for ‘Settlement Batch’ and ‘Settlement Exception’ Entries

  • Enhanced BC / C-AR Customer Integration to skip contacts if not enabled

  • Update CDS Response Codes to new values

  • Prevent Duplicate Deposits in Settlement Batches Reporting

  • Add sorting for ARC log page views

  • Add Views to Versapay Bulk Upload Page to Toggle the Filter on the ‘Open’ Field

  • Order deposit request to C-AR may have the wrong remaining amount sent to C-AR has been corrected

  • Bulk uploading of invoices will cause a run-time error if multiple CLE records exist with the same Document No. had been corrected

  • Reversals from C-AR are not always reversing properly in BC

  • Reversals do not work when NOT using surcharges

  • C-AR Payments posted in BC are getting sent back to C-AR in error

  • Customers with Special Characters in their names are flowing back into BC with a Square unknown Character on any action that triggers a customer update to BC

Gateway Changes

  • FDMSRCUS Gateway Missing Request Header for SBATCH Method

Misc. Changes

  • Allow Users to Enable “Limit Settlement To Auth. Amt.” Option for ‘Approved’ Authorize Transactions

  • Deleted the code inside the OnRun trigger in the old ARC codeunit

  • Reworked the PopEFTCritDefaults codeunit to use RefRef and FieldRefs vs. direct table manipulation

  • Enhanced Host Capture posting of the Cash Receipts Journal to include lines with Posting Dates on and before the Settlement Date

  • Prevent Display of Overcharge Warning if Posting Done by Automation

  • Payments Setup Wizard No Longer Prompts for License Key for On-Prem Installations

  • Rework export / import / repair / update data facilities

  • Review service management events to determine if we can restore auto-settle on invoicing

  • Change Unreleased obsoleted fields back to pending

  • Review Code in Click-to-Pay Mgt. Codeunit (37028331) That Inserts Records in the Tenant Media Table

  • Unconditional Get statements are causing errors in automated tests

  • ToolTip for ‘Order Retrieval’ Action in EFT Order List Page is Incorrect

  • Payment made from Electronic Payment Request does not show in CRJ after posting the sales order

  • New FieldRef Code in PopCritDefaults codeunit needs to be reworked.

  • CreateVoidTransaction procedure does not always validate the Bill-to Customer No. properly

  • The import of the setup data does not complete successfully

  • Click to Pay URL field on Service Header needs to be expanded

  • Json Parser is not handling backslashes correctly from C-AR

  • Check for license permissions of Customer Checking Account table on delete of customers and contacts had been addressed

  • Changed Message Text for Error Generated When License ID Cannot Be Retrieved

  • Creating an Authorization through a Sales Order with a Store Terminal That has a Differing Currency than the Order Causes an Error

  • SMTP Mail Setup has not been configured to enable emailing of receipts, error displaying on Email Receipt action

  • EFT Cash Receipt Setup NOT Respecting Store Filter Settings when Store is part of filter


Release Date: 5/10/2023

Versapay Cloud Platform Integration

  • Worked on eliminating AL warnings in Visual Studio Code

  • Created batch upload of credit cards and checking accounts to CDS and C-AR – Phase I/II/III

  • Force the cancellation of an Electronic Payment Request if it’s not been paid and the order is getting invoiced anyway

  • Store settlement_token values when retrieving payments from C-AR / CDS

  • Enhanced the Account Number Lookup in the EFT Transaction Card

  • Enhanced EFT Automation to Handle Host-based Gateways

  • Do not send zero amount lines from invoices and credit memos to C-AR

  • Enhanced Order Retrieval from CDS when Bank Accounts are used to pay the e-commerce order

  • Add 3 fields to API calls going to CDS from Business Central to identify source

  • Removed the adding of the Gift Card payment method in the setup wizard

  • Added a related page to customer card and list pages to view Versapay payments

  • Enhanced Verify Connectivity message to include Operating Mode

  • Reworked the PopEFTCritDefaults codeunit to use RefRef and FieldRefs vs. direct table manipulation

  • Removed Block of Customer Credit Card Wallet record if Inactive goes from True to False

  • Closed Versapay Log Entry that modifies a wallet that returns a 412 HTTP error that says buyer_account_protected

  • Added CVV Code as a default Method Field for the CCAVS method

  • Changed the way the URL is saved in the Versapay Log entry when open invoices are retrieved from C-AR

  • Updated Expiration Dates for same credit cards in sync on batch upload to C-AR / CDS

  • Enhanced Account Number entry when tokenization is in use

  • Field No. missing from Store Record when doing export/import from EFT Setup has been resolved

  • Do not create wallet entries in BC if record is inactive in C-AR and not present in BC

  • Enhanced new gateway route system to pull the related store vs. using the sync setup store value

  • Added SREDkey ability to page used for adding a new credit card to be vaulted

  • A Negative performance impact is experienced when entering a Customer Name/Number without first inserting a Document Number has been addressed.

  • Batch summary tracking not creating same tracking for summary lines has been corrected

  • Stored Credential ID remains from defaulted card when a new card is entered has been corrected

  • EFT operations with CDS from BC are causing excessive modifies of the related payment methods in C-AR

  • Gift-card methods not working as expected

  • “EFT Setup does not exist” Error When Running Payments Setup Wizard in New Company has been corrected

  • A C-AR payment with no related EFT Cash Receipts Setup changes to Processing even though not loaded into the CRJ

  • an error occurs when trying to Manage Users if a C-AR user is setup as Read-only is corrected

  • Closed the Open log entry after a wallet Delete

  • Enhanced Payments Setup Wizard to Create Stores When Only UAT Credentials are Entered for VPYNETWORK

Gateway Changes

  • CCAVS transactions fail when a default credit card is present for NOVATERM

  • Unable to do CCAUTH with VITAL gateway, when created using the setup wizard

  • Terminal Account IDs not populating for Novaterm and Vital gtwys after Setup Wizard

  • Fix Procedure DemoResponse in codeunit 37043344 EFT Gtwy. Mgt.-FDMS RC

  • remove Versapay Gateway and all related setups from BC

For versions prior to 4.4.0, please review this article Versapay Payments Release Notes for Version before 4.4.0

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