ChargeLogic Retail Express Setup Wizard
  • 30 Jun 2023
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ChargeLogic Retail Express Setup Wizard

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Before You Begin

Please Note

ChargeLogic Payments must be set up before ChargeLogic Retail Express can be configured.

Video Tour


From the Home screen, run the ChargeLogic Retail Express Setup Wizard by clicking on the tile in the ChargeLogic Payments Activities Pane. You can also open the Retail Express Setup Wizard by navigating to Assisted Setup and then selecting the ChargeLogic Retail Express item.


This will open the ChargeLogic Retail Express Setup Wizard. The Wizard will guide you through the process of setting up the software. Please read the instructional text on each Wizard step so that you can make the best decisions for your company. Click Next to continue.

Store Settings

For each Store that will be using Retail Express, select a Default POS Customer No. All Retail Express sales and returns will start out under the Customer that you select.

If you do not have a generic Customer already, click the Lookup button and select the New link to create a new Customer now.

Next, select a No. Series to use for POS sales and returns. If you do not already have a No. Series, click the Lookup button and select the New link to create a new No. Series now. Note that the Default Nos. option should be enabled on the No. Series you use for POS Document Nos.

Now select the Tax Area Code to use for sales created in this Store. This Tax Area usually corresponds to the physical location of the store.

Finally, select Receipt Codes for Sales and Returns. Retail Express comes with two default receipt templates: SALE and RETURN. You can use these for now and create a custom templates later.

Cash Management

In order to maintain your cash drawer, you will need to identify which G/L Accounts to use for tracking cash for each Store and for recording discrepancies. In addition, you will need to specify the Maximum Discrepancy Amount. If a cashier counts the contents of a drawer, and the difference between the calculated total and the counted total exceeds the maximum amount, the cashier will not be allowed to continue until the discrepancy is rectified.

Interface Profiles

Each Terminal that runs Retail Express must have an Interface Profile assigned to it. Interface profiles determine which functions are available to that Terminal, and if a function is available, whether it is always visible or whether it is only available when a “More…” button is clicked. The system comes with two Interface Profiles: DEFAULT and TABLET. DEFAULT is intended for a computer web browser-based Terminal, while TABLET is intended for the Tablet Client. TABLET only displays critical functions due to screen size constraints. Select an Interface Profile for each Terminal and click Next.


In order for a Salesperson to log on to the Retail Express Point of Sale, he or she will need a password and a Permission Set. For each Salesperson who will use the Retail Express system, assign a password by entering it in to the Password field. Once entered, the password will be hashed and stored securely. POS Permission Sets dictate which POS functions the Salesperson can perform. If a Salesperson attempts to click a function button for which he or she does not have permission, the system will prompt for another Salesperson who does have permission to authenticate and provide access. The built-in MANAGER POS Permission Set can perform all functions, while the CASHIER can’t perform price changes. These POS Permission Sets can be customized later, and new ones can be created. If you want the Salesperson to be required to change his or her password on first login so that he or she does not continue to use the password you selected, check the Password Change Required field. Click Next to continue.


Congratulations! ChargeLogic Retail Express is ready to use. You can re-run the Wizard at any time by searching for “ChargeLogic Retail Express Setup Wizard” in the Dynamics 365 Business Central search box. Click Finish to close the Wizard.

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