Customer Adoption Data Export Fields & Definitions
  • 12 Jun 2024
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Customer Adoption Data Export Fields & Definitions

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Article summary

Once you’ve downloaded the Customer Adoption Data Export, your CSV file will be filled with a range of columns designed to give you a detailed understanding of how customers are engaging with Versapay.

Scroll down to explore a comprehensive breakdown of each data point included in your export, helping you to better understand and analyze your customers’ activities.

Column Name


Customer Name

Name of the customer.

Customer Identifier

A unique identifier for each customer.

Default Email ID

The primary email address associated with the customer. 


Current adoption status of the customer:

  • Not Activated: Customers that have not been invited.

  • Activated: Customers that have been invited to receive notifications but have not entered the site.

  • Invited: Customers that have been invited to receive notifications and sent a welcome email but have not entered the site. The Invited status also has secondary states indicating the state of the email invitation: Invitation Sent, Delivered, Clicked, Invitation Not Known.

  • Express: Customers that have entered the site but have not added a password.

  • Signed Up: Customers that have added a password.

  • Paying: Customers that have made a Versapay payment after signing up, or a Versapay payment was made on behalf of a customer. A customer moves directly from any status to Paying if a payment is made on behalf of a customer via the supplier or some automated payment.

Date of Status Update

Date when the customer's status last changed. For example, if the customer's status is 'Invited', this would show the date the customer was first invited. 

Last Login Date

The most recent date the customer logged into the Customer Portal. 


Tags associated with the customer. 

Notification Suppressed

Indicates if customer notifications are suppressed by the customer. 

Outstanding Balance

The current outstanding balance for the customer. 

Has Saved Payment Method

Shows if the customer has saved payment methods. 

Express User First Visit

Date when an express user first previewed an invoice, if applicable. 

Parent Company Name

Name of the top-level parent company in a hierarchy, if applicable. 

Receives Paper Invoices

Shows if the customer receives paper invoices, if applicable. 

Paper Statement

Shows if the customer receives paper statements, if applicable. 


Indicates if the customer has opted for paperless billing via the Customer Portal, if applicable. 


The currency used for the customer's transactions. 

Last Payment Date

Date of the customer's most recent payment through Versapay. 

Last Payment Method

The payment method (bank account or credit card) used for the most recent payment. 

Last Payment Transaction Status

Status of the customer's most recent payment. 

Last Payment Autopay or Checkout

Indicates if the last payment was made via autopay or during checkout. 

Payor Email

Shows the email of the user who completed the payment. 

Payor Name

Shows the name of the user who completed the payment. 

Latest Invoice Date

Date when the most recent invoice was issued. 

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