Customer Tags
  • 28 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Customer Tags

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The Versapay Cloud Integration allows users to add Tags to customers. Tags can be used to put customers into categories, and this can drive and simplify workflow, especially in the area of collections. In order to enhance the integration of MS Dynamics NAV and Business Central with the ARC platform, ChargeLogic Payments has added support for tags as well.

In this article, we will explain the setup and operation of the Customer Tags feature included with the ChargeLogic Payments software which allows organizations to assign tags to certain customers for use both in MS Dynamics NAV/Business Central and within the ARC system.


In the Search, enter Tags to launch the main page used to establish which tags you want to possibly assign to customers.  

The Customers column indicates the number of customers that have each tag assigned.  You can drill each value to show the customers that have the tag assigned.


Once the setup of the tags desired has been completed, you are ready to assign them to customers.  You will notice that a new action “Assign Tags” has been added to the customer list and card pages.

When you select to assign tags to the customer, you will be presented with all tags defined.  Simply check the Selected column as needed to assign tags to the customer.

Also, a new factbox has been added that displays the tags assigned to a customer.  The new factbox appears on both the Customer List and Card pages.

From the Customer List, you will see 2 additional actions: Filter by Tags & Clear Tag Filter.

Use the Filter by Tags action to filter the customers by selected tags.  Note the Filter Option drop down that work as follows:

  • All Selected Tags: Show all customers that have all the selected tags assigned.

  • Any Selected Tags: Show all customers that have at least one of the selected tags assigned.

  • No Tags: Show all customers that do not have any tags assigned.

The Clear Tag Filter action removes all tags filters that have been previously applied.  If your Customer List is closed, any tag filters will be removed automatically.

Collaborative AR Integration

If you are utilizing the ARC integration, tags assigned to customers will flow to the ARC system automatically.  Tags assigned in NAV/Business Central will not be changeable in ARC. Tags originated in NAV/Business Central can only be used to filter the customers in ARC.  ARC users can create separate tags in ARC (called User Tags), which will not transfer back to NAV/Business Central or override tags sent to ARC from NAV/Business Central.

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