General Operation
  • 29 Jun 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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General Operation

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Article summary


In this general operations guide, we will walk you through the usage of the Versapay Cloud Platform Integration. This article assumes you have already successfully configured Versapay Payments, the VPYNETWORK Gateway, and the Versapay Cloud Platform setups.


The Versapay Cloud Platform Integration uses a log table (and page) for all transactions both sent to, as well as those received from the Versapay Cloud Platform. Click “View Log Entries” to open the log page.  Please note that the page defaults to showing Open entries only.  You can remove the Open filter to view already processed entries.

An example of processed log entries is shown below:


  • Process Log Entries: Use to process the integration on demand. All Open entries will be sent, and, if enabled, will retrieve recent customer changes and payments posted directly on the portal.

  • Export Request: Use to view the request that was sent to the Versapay Cloud Platform, if applicable. This feature is especially useful during the testing phase of the integration.

  • Export Reply: Use to view the reply that was received from the Versapay Cloud Platform system, if applicable. This feature is especially useful during the testing phase of the integration.


  • Customer: View or edit detailed information about the customer related to the log entry.

  • Customer Changes: Use to view and process changes made to customers on the Versapay Cloud Platform that need to update customers on the ERP system.

  • Wallet Changes: Use to view wallet changes made from the Versapay Cloud Platform

  • Ledger Entries: View the history of transactions that have been posted for the selected customer.

  • Payments: Use to view and process payments posted directly on the Versapay Cloud Platform that need to be posted on the ERP system.

  • E-mail Notification Changes: Use to view the digest of email communications that have been sent via the Versapay Cloud Platform.

When the action “Process Log Entries” is clicked, the system will send the open log entries to Collaborative AR and retrieve any customer changes and payments processed directly on Collaborative AR (if enabled).

The open log entries might then look like:

The “Action to Process” flag of “Bulk Process” is only used when customer changes and payments processed on the Versapay Cloud Platform are returned to BC.

In both cases, users must manually process this information to update BC.  It is assumed that the ERP user would want to review these entries before the ERP system is changed.  Please note that the system will automatically create the cash receipt journal lines for payments processed on Collaborative AR once retrieved.  The user must still post the cash receipts journal, likely either at the end of the day or early the next day (to mimic the timing in which the gateway posts the summary amounts to the bank account).

For the “Entry Type” of Customer, click the Navigate option “Customer Changes” to view a page that will detail any changes made to the customer. These changes appear in Bold. If no changes are visible, it’s likely the change was at the contact level. Click the Contacts action to review the Contacts.  To accept that changes that were made from the Versapay Cloud Platform, click Update Customers. This record will then be removed from the Open Log Entries. The log entry will remain but since the Open flag will now be set to No, the record will likely drop from the page (if still filtered by Open = Yes).

For the “Entry Type” of Payment, click the Navigate option “Payments” to view a page displaying the payment details from the Versapay Cloud Platform.

If the status isn’t showing as Processing, the next step is to click “Process” to create cash receipts journal lines using the Posting Setup discussed above.  Typically, the system will have already created the cash receipts journal lines so the status would already be Processing.

Click the Cash Receipt Journal action to open the batch that was specified in setup.

The “External Doc. No.” for the bank line will be based on the posting setup you configured during the prerequisite setups.  When the payments received from Versapay Cloud Platform contain transactions from more than one Account Type (e.g. Visa, Amex & ACH), the system will create the journal lines so that for each Account Type, the lines will be summarized to one bank debit with a unique Document No. for later navigation and bank reconciliation purposes.

If the end-user customer pays more than one invoice at the same time, the system will create one line in the cash receipts journal, using the applies-to id system to connect the single payment to each invoice paid.  To the extent that the payment is applied to a credit in the Versapay Cloud Platform, the system will create separate lines for each credit applied – this is due to the way the information is passed from Collaborative AR.

The Posting Date will be the Settlement Date retrieved from Collaborative AR. If the Settlement Date is empty, the system will use the Date of the payment.

The Process Status field will be set to Processing while the related entries are in the cash receipts journal.  Once the journal is posted, the Process Status will change to Posted and the related log entry will be set to Open = No.

Job Queue

It is suggested that a Job Queue Entry be created with a recurring frequency to run the Process Log Entries codeunit.  An example of such an entry follows:

Note that the codeunit to process is 37028480 (Versapay Collaborative AR Integration -CL-).  By setting up a Job Queue Entry to automatically run the integration, the system will populate the cash receipts journal throughout the day automatically from payments processed on Collaborative AR.

Special Payment Considerations


If prepayments are enabled in Collaborative AR, they will be fully handled by this integration.  Prepayments are processed by the end-user customer, often with the expectation of an invoice that will arrive later.  When BC retrieves the prepayment, the system will post the transaction as an open payment in the related customer ledger.  At the same time, the system will send back to Collaborative AR an open credit that the end-user customer can apply to the future invoice.  The transaction will remain in BC as an open payment even though it communicates the entry as a credit to Collaborative AR.  When the credit is applied to a newly arrives invoice, the system will handle the accounting automatically in that the open payment will be closed.


If overpayments are enabled in Collaborative AR, they will be fully handled by this integration.  In a sense they are handled the same as prepayments in that the overpayment will create an open payment with a “Remaining Amount” equal to the amount overpaid.  The system will again send the overpaid amount back to Collaborative AR as an open credit that can be applied to either an existing or future invoice.

Initial Payments

If initial payments are enabled in Collaborative AR, they will be partially handled by this integration.  Initial payments are processed using a special URL where the end-user customer has not yet been established in BC.  This integration will post this unapplied payment to the customer designated in the Versapay Collaborative AR Integration Setup page via the field “Non-Designated Customer No.”.  Since Collaborative AR does not support applying this payment to a newly created customer, this integration does not handle any additional processing related to the initial payment.  It is expected that the users in BC handle moving the open payment to the correct customer through a journal entry.

Short Payments and Credits

When end-user customers either short pay invoices or apply a credit to a payment, this integration will handle the accounting on its own.  We consider these features to be included in the current version of the integration.

Additional Supported Document Types

  • Sales Journal: Sales Journal Entry Invoices can be sent to Collaborative AR. If a Sales Journal Entry Invoices is generated, no Attachment will be created.

  • Finance Charges: Finance Charge documents can be sent to Collaborative AR.

  • Service Documents: Service invoices and credit memos can be sent to Collaborative AR.

  • Attachments: One or multiple sales documents can be sent to Collaborative AR for display and attachment to the record. This includes invoice and credit memo PDFs. In Collaborative AR, the attachments sent will appear via a paperclip icon next to the Invoice # column.

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