How to Collect Information Using Prompts
  • 30 Jun 2023
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How to Collect Information Using Prompts

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Article summary


During the course of a sale, it is sometimes useful to insert some additional interactions into the process. These interactions could be targeted at the cashier, or they could be intended for the customer. In ChargeLogic Retail Express, Prompts are used to carry out these interactions. Prompts are a powerful tool that can ask for information, suggest a cross-sell, and more. Prompts can be used to:

  • Suggest one or more related items or services based on the sale item (sometimes called a cross-sell)

  • Collect marketing data about a random sampling of your customers

  • Require the cashier to specify a reason for performing a specific action (like applying a discount)

  • Ask the cashier a question

Video Setup Guide

Configure Prompts

An individual interaction with the cashier is called a Prompt. A Prompt can be as simple as asking the cashier to enter the customer’s ZIP code. Sometimes, it’s useful to create a sequence of Prompts, where the interactions take place one after another. This sequence is called a Prompt Group. Prompts can be re-used and appear in multiple Prompt Groups. When configuring which questions will be asked, it is always a Prompt Group that is assigned – even if that Prompt Group only has one Prompt in it. Therefore, after you create a Prompt, before you can use it, it must be placed into a Prompt Group.

Create a Prompt

  1. From your home screen, go to Manual Setup from the Setup & Extensions ribbon.

  1. Choose ChargeLogic Payments to open the EFT Setup Card.

  1. From the Navigate ribbon, select General->Retail Express->Prompts to open the Prompts List.

  1. Click the New action to create a new Prompt.

  1. Give your Prompt a meaningful Code and Description.

  2. Enter the Prompt Text, which will be displayed to the cashier in the Prompt pop-up window.

  3. Select a Prompt Type. The Prompt Type can be one of the following:

    • Question – Ask the cashier a question and record the answer

    • Item – Offer additional items to add to the sale

    • Customer – Prompt the cashier to select a Customer

    • Reason – Ask the cashier to enter a Reason Code, which will be associated with the sale or the individual line item

    • Salesperson – Ask the cashier for a Salesperson Code to assign to the sale

  4. Select a Response Type. The Response Type determines how the cashier will enter the answer to the Prompt:

    • Text Input – The cashier is provided with a freeform text input box; this is useful for Question prompts

    • Numeric Input – The cashier is required to enter a numeric value; this is useful for Question prompts

    • Date Input – The cashier is required to enter a date; this is useful for Question prompts

    • Selection – The cashier must choose an answer from a list of possibilities; this is useful for all Prompt Types

  5. If you have chosen Selection as the Response Type, you can now enter the Responses in the lower portion of the window. Enter a meaningful value for the Code field. In the No. field, for Item, Customer, Reason, and Salesperson Prompt Types, you must specify an Item No., Customer No., Reason Code, or Salesperson Code, respectively. Finally, in the Response field, enter the text that will appear for the selection when the cashier is prompted.

Example Prompts

In the above example, the cashier is prompted to enter the customer’s ZIP code.

In the above example, the cashier is prompted to ask the customer how they heard about the store. A list of pre-defined responses is provided.

In the above example, the cashier is prompted for a Reason Code.

In this example, the cashier is prompted to offer a lamp as a cross-sell opportunity.

Add Prompts to a Prompt Group

  1. From the EFT Setup Card, go to the Navigate ribbon and select General->Retail Express->Prompt Groups to open the Prompt Group list.

  1. Click the New button in the ribbon to create a new Prompt Group.

  1. Enter a meaningful Code and Description for the Prompt Group. Then, add Prompts to the Prompt Group by selecting one or more Prompt Codes in the lower portion of the window.

  1. For each Prompt in the Prompt Group, you can indicate if the cashier is required to answer the Prompt by placing a checkmark in the Required field. If a Prompt is Required and the cashier does not answer the prompt, the current action cannot continue.

  2. Sometimes, it’s only useful to ask a question once. If you enable the Once Per Sale checkbox, that Prompt will only be triggered one time per sale.

  3. If you do not want a Prompt to be triggered every time a particular action is performed (like if you want to sample your customer base), you can set the Prompt Activation % to a value less than 100%.

Assign Prompt Groups to Items

If you are creating a cross-sell Prompt Group, you probably want the Prompts in the Prompt Group to trigger when a particular item is sold. You can accomplish this by assigning the Prompt Group to the Item in the POS Prompt Group Code field on the Item Card.

Assign Prompt Groups to Commands

For other types of Prompt Groups, you probably want to trigger them when the cashier performs a specific action. This is accomplished by adding Prompt Groups to Commands for a specific Interface Profile.

  1. From the EFT Setup Card, go to the Navigate ribbon and select General->Retail Express->Interface Profiles to open the Interface Profile list.

  1. From the Navigate ribbon, select Prompts to open the POS Command Prompts window.

  1. Click the New action in the ribbon to create a new Command Prompt record.

  1. Use the lookup to find a Command to which you want to associate a Prompt Group. Then select the Prompt Group. For example, when the cashier changes the Unit Price, you can trigger a Prompt Group that asks for a Reason Code.

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