How To Configure a Custom URL for Your Payment Portal
  • 27 Jun 2023
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How To Configure a Custom URL for Your Payment Portal

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Please Note

This article is intended for IT professionals who are comfortable with changing their organization’s DNS records.

Procedure for Activating a Custom URL for Your Payment Portal


ChargeLogic’s payment portal allows your customers to come to a single place to view and pay your invoices. The payment portal is a hosted solution and does not require your company to create or maintain any web servers or create the infrastructure to secure the payment information. Your customers can reach your payment portal by visiting, where YOUR_VENDOR_ID is a value assigned by ChargeLogic. However, it may be more desirable to direct your customers to visit your payment portal using an Internet domain name owned by your organization, like This article describes the process by which you can add a Custom URL to your ChargeLogic payment portal. This process involves creating and modifying records in your company’s public DNS and should only be attempted by someone with knowledge of DNS and access to modify your company’s DNS records.

Please Note

There may be an additional monthly fee to use a Custom URL

Select a Domain Name

The first step will be to decide what domain name you want your customers to use to access your payment portal. The name must be within a second-level domain owned by your organization. For example, if your organization owns, your custom payment portal domain name can be Typically, the name should refer its purpose, meaning that would be better than for your payment portal. However, the choice is yours.

Create a CNAME

Log in to your company’s DNS provider for the second-level domain you are using. You will need to create a CNAME record in your DNS for the portal URL that you selected that points to Set the Time to Live (TTL) to the shortest possible value for now, like 5 minutes.


If you want your portal to be accessed at, create the following CNAME.

Host: pay        TTL: 5 minutes  Points To:

Create a Ticket with ChargeLogic

Once you have created the CNAME for your portal, open a ticket with ChargeLogic Connect support by emailing ChargeLogic Connect Support. In the ticket, include your ChargeLogic Connect Store No., the domain name that you selected for your payment portal, and confirm that you currently have it pointed to

Once we receive your ticket, we will need to add your custom URL to our servers, and our servers need to validate that you own the domain name in question in order to generate the certificate. During the course of the setup, you will be required to update the CNAME a few more times and wait for our systems to verify the changes. This process may take between several hours and several days, depending on the speed of DNS propagation.

Direct Your Customers to Your Portal

Once your Custom URL is functioning, you can start inviting your customers to use your payment portal.

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