How To Configure E-Commerce Integration
  • 27 Jun 2023
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How To Configure E-Commerce Integration

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Article summary


ChargeLogic’s e-commerce integration uses our Connect Cloud Service to provide you with the ability to take payments from your website in a secure manner.  Below, you will find information about the different methods for integrating with Business Central as well as setup instructions for performing this task.

General Setup

Enabling the e-commerce integration for ChargeLogic Payments is easy to do. To complete this task, you will need a copy of the ChargeLogic Connect Subscriber Information document issued to the ChargeLogic Connect subscriber upon creating the ChargeLogic Connect account.

  1. Go to the EFT Store Card.

  2. On the ChargeLogic Connect FastTab, enter the following information from the Subscriber Information document: ChargeLogic Connect URL, ChargeLogic Connect Credentials, ChargeLogic Connect Username, ChargeLogic Connect Password.

Note that when you enter the ChargeLogic Connect Password, the system will encrypt the password. If you need the password again, you will need to re-enter it from the Subscriber Information document, as it cannot be copied once entered.

Hosted Payments

Our integration allows an external application, such as an e-commerce application, to perform payment transactions using your company’s merchant account without communicating with Business Central directly. This offers the following benefits:

  • The external application does not need to retain the credit card number in order for Business Central to have access to it

  • Business Central does not need to be available in order for the external application to transact a payment.

When the external application performs a payment transaction using ChargeLogic Connect as a payment gateway, one of the fields it specifies is called External Reference Number. This is typically correlated in some way to the external application’s order number. All payments related to a single order would be sent to the Connect server with the same External Reference Number.

ChargeLogic Payments adds functionality to the Your Reference field on the Sales Header; simply validate the External Reference Number from the external application into the Your Reference field, and ChargeLogic Payments will automatically reach out to the ChargeLogic Connect server and request all payments related to the order. Those payments will be created as EFT Transaction records in Business Central and associated with the current Sales Order by setting the Document Type and Document No. fields on the EFT Transaction to those of the Sales Order. If you are combining Hosted Orders with Hosted Payments, the system will retrieve the Hosted Payments automatically for you, and you do not need to validate the Your Reference field (see the Hosted Orders section below).

The EFT Transactions created by this process are identical to EFT Transactions generated by a Business Central user. They can be settled, reversed, refunded, etc., directly to the payment processor without going back through the ChargeLogic Connect server.

Setting Up Hosted Payments

  1. Go to the EFT Store Card.

  2. Navigate to the Store API Methods.

  3. Create a record for each combination of Tender Type/Method Type that the external application will be passing to the Connect server. Then, assign a ChargeLogic Payments Method Code to the combination. Typically, this will only involve creating two records: Credit Card/Authorize/CCAUTH and Credit Card/Address Verify/CCAVS. The Connect server performs authorizations, not settlements, which are still performed in Business Central, so no settlement methods should be created.

Hosted Orders

ChargeLogic Connect offers the ability for an external application, such as a website or a mobile app, to send sales orders to the ChargeLogic Connect server. These orders are then held on the Connect server until ChargeLogic Payments in Business Central requests them. This offers the following benefits:

  • The developer of the external application does not need to know anything about Business Central in order to perform an integration

  • Business Central does not need to be available in order for the external application to place an order.

Hosted Orders are first brought into a set of holding tables, where they are referred to as EFT Orders. These holding tables do not have any validation code; the purpose is simply to get the raw data into Business Central. Once retrieved, the EFT Order can be converted into a Sales Order. During the conversion to a Sales Order, the system will attempt to find an existing Customer under which to place the order. The system uses the Bill-to E-Mail address provided by the external application for Customer matching. ChargeLogic Payments adds a Search E-Mail field to the Customer card, as well as a new Key on that field. If there are existing Customer records when you start the Hosted Order implementation, you will want to make sure that the Search E-Mail field is populated for existing Customer records.

If the system cannot find a matching Customer record based on the Bill-to E-Mail, it will create a new Customer based on a template.

If an EFT Order cannot be converted to a Sales Order (e.g., an Item No. was provided by the external application that does not exist in Business Central), it will stay in the EFT Orders table and the failure reason will be listed on the header. You can then correct the data and flag the EFT Order for re-processing or re-process it immediately. You can monitor these conversion failures using the EFT Activities pane in the Role Center or in the Gateway Account Status window.

When a Hosted Order is converted to a Sales Order, the system will automatically retrieve any associated Hosted Payments.

Setting Up Hosted Orders

  1. Go to the EFT Store Card.

  2. On the ChargeLogic Connect FastTab, the following fields are relevant to Hosted Orders:

    • Customer Template Code – If a Hosted Order contains a Bill-to E-Mail that cannot be matched to an existing Customer, the system will use this Customer Template to create a new Customer.

    • Order Nos. – If you want Sales Orders created from Hosted Orders to have a No. Series that is distinct from the default Sales Order No. Series, you can specify one here. Leave this field blank to use the default Sales Order No. Series.

    • Auto-Create Sales Orders – The system can automatically convert EFT Orders to Sales Orders upon import. With this option enabled, only EFT Orders that cannot be converted to Sales Orders due to an error will be left in the EFT Orders table.

    • Auto-Release Sales Orders – The system can automatically release Sales Orders after they are created. This would typically allow the warehouse to fulfill the orders without user review.

  3. Go to EFT Order Extra Data Mappings.

    • Create mappings for any custom fields that the external application will be sending with the Hosted Order. The Field Name on the mapping must be agreed upon between the Business Central implementer and the external application developer (e.g., a field named SHPMETHOD might map to the Shipment Method Code field on the Sales Header).

Retrieving Hosted Orders

  • Click the Retrieve New Payments and Orders link on the EFT Activities pane in the Role Center.

  • Run the EFT Order Retrieval periodic activity.

  • Schedule the EFT Order Retrieval to run periodically using Job Queue or another scheduling tool.

On the ChargeLogic Connect server, each finalized Hosted Order for a merchant is assigned an incrementing integer counter value. When ChargeLogic Payments polls the Connect server for new Hosted Orders, it provides the highest integer value it has already received. For example, the first time ChargeLogic Payments requests new Hosted Orders, it asks the Connect server for any Hosted Orders with a counter greater than 0. If there are 10 orders, the system will store the 10 orders as EFT Orders and COMMIT the local counter with a value of 10 before proceeding with converting the EFT Orders to Sales Orders. In the next request to the Connect server, ChargeLogic Payments will ask for any Hosted Orders with a counter value greater than 10. The current local counter value is stored in the EFT Store record in the ChargeLogic Connect Last Order field.

You can view Hosted Orders on the Connect server by logging on to the ChargeLogic Connect merchant portal at

  • Use the ChargeLogic Connect Username and Password from the Subscriber Information document to log in.

If you ever create a test company using a backup of live, remember to:

  • Switch any ChargeLogic Payments live license keys for demo license keys on the Gateway Account Card.

  • Replace the live ChargeLogic Connect credentials on the EFT Store Card with test credentials.

  • Reset the Order Counter from the EFT Store for the test account if you wish to download orders for testing purposes. (if the live system’s value was higher, no orders will be retrieved for testing).

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