How To Configure Legal Notices
  • 27 Jun 2023
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How To Configure Legal Notices

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Article summary


Legal Notices provide a mechanism for displaying call center scripts for NACHA compliance.

For example, TeleCheck requires that, for MOTO/call center transactions, the customer service representative (CSR) read a script before initiating a check transaction. Another script is required in the event of a decline. The language of the pre-processing script is dependent on if the check is a consumer or business check, and the language of the decline script is dependent on the decline reason. Finally, the language read over the phone must be delivered to the customer in writing by email.

This is accomplished with Questions and Notifications that are triggered for transactions initiated from the Submit action on the EFT Transaction Card.

Below is an example of 4 Questions forming a pre-authorization script. The user must click Yes to each, in order to continue:

If, at any point, the user clicks No, the below message appears, and the transaction is not submitted:

If the user clicks Yes to all Questions, then they are presented with a dialog to enter the email address of the customer. This defaults to the Bill-to E-Mail on the transaction, but can be changed:

After clicking OK, the transaction is finally submitted, and the authorization email is sent. Here is an example of an emailed authorization:

When the response is received from the processor, the Response Code will trigger any Notifications that are linked to that code.

Finally, here is an example of an emailed Notification for a declined transaction:


From the EFT Setup card, click the Legal Notices action under Advanced on the Navigate tab of the action ribbon.

Click Edit or View to open the EFT Legal Notice card.

Please Note

Populate the BCC E-Mail Address with the address you want to use to receive and save copies of authorization email for NACHA compliance.

Add lines by selecting Language Code (if applicable, otherwise leave this blank), selecting a Type (Question or Notification), and using the actions on the lines to Import On-Screen Text and E-Mail Text. You can Export these to edit them, then save them and Import them back in. On-Screen Text must be plain text, but E-Mail Text can be html to include text formatting. To delete the stored text, you can use the Delete On-Screen Text and Delete E-Mail Text actions, or just delete the whole line. For E-Mail Text, the E-Mail Subject field should be populated, as this will be used as the Subject of the email, while the E-Mail Text will be used as the Body of the email.

Questions can be up to 1024 characters, and Notifications can be any length (up to a maximum size of 2GB).

Some values in the On-Screen Text and E-Mail Text are not known until runtime, for example the customer’s name and the transaction amount. These are denoted as %1 through %13, and are values being pulled from the EFT Transaction, unless otherwise indicated, as follows:

%1 today’s date
%2 name of the consumer (Bill-to Contact Name, if not blank, otherwise Bill-to Name)
%3 company name of the consumer (Bill-to Name)
%4 currency symbol
%5 Transaction Amount
%6 Demand Deposit Account Type (Checking or Savings)
%7 Routing Number
%8 Account Number
%9 your company’s name (Name on the EFT Store Card)
%10 state returned item fee and applicable costs (Fee on the Identification State Mapping, which is based on the Identification State Map of the Receiving Institution ID associated with the Store Method)*
%11 Customer Service No. on EFT Store Card
%12 Hours of Operation on EFT Store Card
%13 Transaction Reference Number†
* You must populate and maintain the Fee field with the correct values.

For the TeleCheck gateway, a state-by-state collection fee and cost table for returned payments can be found here:

This can be included as metadata in the <head> element of the E-Mail Text html, to help link authorization emails with the corresponding EFT Transactions, for example:

These Legal Notices are linked to Gateway Methods on the EFT Gateway Method Legal Notices page (search Gateways > on EFT Gateway List, select the relevant Gateway, and click Methods action under Advanced on Navigate tab of action ribbon > on EFT Gateway Methods list, select the relevant method, then click Legal Notices action on the Navigate tab of the action ribbon).

Populate the Industry, Check Type, and Response Code, for which this Legal Notice is applicable, and select the appropriate Legal Notice Code. Leave Response Code blank for notices that should occur prior to submission of a transaction. Otherwise, select the Response Code that should trigger the notice.

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