How to Create a Special Order
  • 05 Jul 2023
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How to Create a Special Order

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Before You Begin

Please note that NAV Prepayments must be configured prior to creating special orders in ChargeLogic Retail Express.

The instructions provided are for the Default interface profile button configuration as provided with ChargeLogic Retail Express.


ChargeLogic Retail Express supports special orders through the point of sale. To start taking special orders, you’ll first need to configure a few options in your store.

Store Setup

Navigate to the EFT Store Card for your store. You can reach this page by navigating to EFT Setup > General > Stores, or by searching for the EFT Store List.

At the bottom of the EFT Store Card, you will see a group for Retail Express. Expand this group.

There are three fields that are required for special order processing in Retail Express, Special Order Item Template Code, Special Order Purchasing Code, and Special Order Prepayment %.

  • Special Order Item Template Code is the Configuration Template that should be used when a special order item does not exist in your inventory and needs to be created.

  • Special Order Purchasing Code is the NAV Purchasing Code that will be assigned to the sales line for the special order item.

  • Special Order Prepayment % is the default deposit amount that is required to complete the initial sale of a special order. Tax is included in the prepayment.

Create a Special Order

Once you have set the required fields on the EFT Store Card, open the Point of Sale. Now, you can add an item as a special order. However, you must first select a customer. All special orders must be associated with a customer record.

To select a customer, press the Select Customer button. This will open the customer list. Choose a customer from the list for the special order.

Once you have selected a customer, you should see the customer name in the document header in the upper right corner.

Now that you have a customer selected, you can create the special order. Press the Add Item button to open the Item List.

There are three ways to create a special order from the Item List, depending on your needs. We will look at each one of these methods.

Creating a Special Order for an Inventory Item

If you have the item to be ordered in your inventory, but it is not stocked in your store, you can create a special order for the inventory item. Select the item from the item list that you would like to order, then click the Multi-Select/Deselect button.

You should see the number next to Multi-Select/Deselect change to “(1)” to indicate that you have one item selected. Now hit the Special Order button in the Item List to create the special order.

Next, you will be asked if you would like to enter a comment for the order.

When you return to the main point of sale screen, you should see the selected item added to the sale as a special order. You will be able to differentiate this line as a special order because it will have a different icon than normal item sales lines.

Creating a Special Order from a Non-Stock Item

The second method of creating a special order uses the Non-Stock, or Catalog, item list. If you don’t have any non-stock or catalog items configured in NAV, you will not be able to use this option. This method is useful if you do not have the item to be ordered in your inventory, but you do have it in your non-stock or catalog item list.

To create a special order using a non-stock or catalog item, return to the Item List using the Add Item button. However, instead of selecting an item using Multi-Select/Deselect, just click on the Special Order button.

If you have non-stock or catalog items configured, the non-stock item list will appear. Select an item from the non-stock item list to special order. Hit the Add Selected Item button to add the item to the sale. You will be asked if you would like to enter a comment for the order.

Just like the previous special order method, you will see the selected item added to the sale as a special order.

Creating a User Defined Special Order

If the item you are trying to order does not exist in your inventory or in the non-stock/catalog item list, you will have a third option for creating a special order. In this case, you can create a user defined item.

Just like the previous two methods, you will start by selecting Add Item to open the Item List. Then, select the Special Order button. From the non-stock item list, select the Create New Item button.

Now you should see a dialog window prompting for an item description. Enter the description for the item you are creating as a special order.

After entering the item description, you will be prompted to enter the unit price for the item.

Next, you will be asked if you would like to add a Vendor to the item. If you know the vendor for the item you are ordering, you may add the vendor now. Finally, you will be prompted to add a comment to the sale.

Now you should see the item with the description you entered in the sale. You can complete the sale as normal by clicking the Pay button.

Completing the Order

When the ordered item has been received and the order is ready to be completed, use the Pickup Order button in the Point of Sale. This button can be found in the Order Mgt. folder.

Select the Pickup Order button to open the POS Pickup page. This page will show all the orders that are pending pickup. Select the order you would like to complete.

The EFT POS Pickup Items page shows the items in the order that are available to pick up. Change the Pickup Quantity for the item(s) to match the amount that should be picked up by the customer. You will see the Payment Amount change to show the amount that remains to be paid for the item(s).

Click OK to open the tendering menu.

In the EFT POS Tender page, you can select the tender type to use to complete the payment for the pick up.

After selecting the tender type, confirm the payment amount. Click OK to complete the pick up.

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