How To Set Up and Manage Recurring and Scheduled Payments
  • 27 Jun 2023
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How To Set Up and Manage Recurring and Scheduled Payments

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Article summary


Recurring and future scheduled payments allow you to automate the process of collecting payment from your customers on a regular schedule. This is useful for subscription services, payment plans, and other times when you need to collect payments at regular intervals. This article will show you how to set up a recurring or future-dated payment, how to submit those payments when the time comes, and how to manage recurring payments.

Please Note

Recurring payments can only be used if the transaction amount will be the same each period. If you need to be able to have different amounts, you can create a scheduled payment for each specific amount for each payment date ahead of time.

Set Up a Recurring Payment

Recurring payments are really just a sequence of individual payments. When you set up the recurrence pattern, you are creating the first payment in the series. As each payment is submitted and approved, the next payment in the series will be created automatically and queued to be submitted on the next payment date. Start by creating a transaction that will represent the first payment.

  1. From a Sales Document, Customer Card, or Service Document, use an action in the ribbon to create a new Transaction. For example, to set up a payment plan on a Posted Sales Invoice, open the Invoice, and select Credit Card > Charge from the Actions ribbon. This will open the Transaction Card.

  1. Enter the amount for each recurring payment. You can put arithmetic formulas into the Transaction Amount field to help you calculate the amount. For example, if you want to charge your customer in 10 installments, just add “/10” to the default Transaction Amount to divide by 10. If you just want to schedule a future payment, but for the full invoice amount, you can leave the Transaction Amount field at its default value.

  1. Enter the credit card number into the Account Number field, or use the lookup to select a card on file from the list. On the Scheduling tab, use the Date to Submit field to enter the date that you want to submit the first transaction, or, in the case of a scheduled one-time payment, the future date of the payment. Alternatively, you can leave the Date to Submit field at its default value of today if you want to submit the first transaction today. Next, if this will be a recurring payment, enter the Recurrence Frequency as a Dateformula (e.g., 1M for once a month, 2W for every two weeks, etc.). Finally, for recurring payments, you can optionally enter the Recurrence Expiration Date. If you are scheduling a recurring payment on a Sales or Service document, omitting this value will cause the system to stop the recurrence automatically when the balance has been paid in full. The last payment in the series will adjust to the remaining amount if the remaining amount is less than the recurrence Transaction Amount. Omitting this value on recurring transactions not associated with a Sales or Service document (i.e., transactions initiated from the Customer Card) will result in a perpetual recurrence that will need to be terminated manually.

  1. If your Date to Submit is today, you can Submit this transaction now by clicking on the Submit action in the ribbon. If you do not want to submit the transaction now, or if the Date to Submit is in the future, use the Queue action on the Actions ribbon.

  1. Close the Transaction Card. If you submitted the first transaction in the series in the prior step, you can now see the next scheduled transaction. Navigate to the EFT Transaction List from the document where you initiated the payment, you will see two transactions in the list: the one you submitted and the one that the system created that is scheduled for the next submission date.

Submit Recurring and Scheduled Transactions On Their Submission Date

Each scheduled and recurring transaction has a Date to Submit that tells the system the earliest date that it can be submitted. Use the Queued Transactions Cue on your home screen to view and submit these transactions each day.

  1. From your home page, locate the Queued Transactions cue in the ChargeLogic Payments Activities group. Click on the cue to open the Queued Transactions List.

  1. The Queued Transactions List will list the transactions that can be submitted today. You can submit them one-at-a-time or you can use the multi-select feature to select some or all of the transactions in the list. Click the Submit action in the ribbon to submit the selected transactions for processing.

Manage Recurring Transactions

You can see recurring transactions in any of the Transaction Lists that would show them (e.g., from the document to which they are attached). However, you can also see all of your recurring transaction series in the Recurring Transaction List. From there, you can see the history and terminate the recurrence if necessary.

  1. From your home page, select Payment Transactions from the Sales menu to open the Payment Transactions List.

  1. From the Actions menu, choose Recurring Transactions from the Periodic Activities group to open the Recurring Transactions List.

  1. Click on the Recurring No. to open the Recurring Transaction Card.

  1. From the Recurring Transaction, you can see the document to which the recurrence is attached, the customer information, the date of the next transaction, and the amount of the next transaction. In the subpage, you can also see the transaction history. On an active recurrence, the next transaction to be submitted will have a Transaction Status of Queued. If you need to modify the recurrence, you can select this Queued transaction and open its Transaction Card. From there, you must first use the Remove from Queue action in the ribbon to make it editable. You can then change the Transaction Amount, credit card Account Number, or Date to Submit. Remember to Queue the transaction when you are finished editing using the Queue action on the Actions ribbon. Alternatively, you can terminate the recurrence using the Terminate Recurrence action in the ribbon.

  1. If you choose to Terminate the Recurrence, you will receive a confirmation dialog. Click Yes to end the recurring series.

  1. The Queued transaction will be deleted from the list, and no additional transactions will be generated for this series.

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