How To Set Up Datacap PIN Pads
  • 30 Jun 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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How To Set Up Datacap PIN Pads

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Article summary

Before You Begin

Before setting up hardware devices, you must first set up ChargeLogic Payments and configure your Datacap Gateway Account using the ChargeLogic Payments Setup Wizard.

What You Need

ChargeLogic Payments uses cloud-based technology to allow your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system to communicate with the PIN pad in your store or office. To set up a PIN pad, here’s what you need to purchase from ChargeLogic:


This device allows your customer to swipe, tap, or insert to pay for purchases.

TranCloud Device

This device allows your PIN pad to communicate with cloud-based servers. For serial-based PIN pads, you need 1 TranCloud device per PIN pad. For IP-based PIN pads, you only need 1 TranCloud device per store (or per the maximum number of supported PIN pads).


Ethernet Cables

For serial-based PIN pads, you will need an Ethernet cable to connect the TranCloud device to your network. For IP-based PIN pads, you will another Ethernet cable to connect the PIN pad to your network.

Power Cables

The TranCloud device and the PIN pad both require power to operate, and each comes with its own power cable.

Serial Cable (Serial PIN Pads Only)

For serial-based PIN pads, you will need a serial cable to connect the PIN pad to the TranCloud device. This serial cable comes with the PIN pad.

Jacks and Outlets

The TranCloud device needs to be plugged in to a power outlet and an Ethernet jack. PIN pads also need to be plugged into a power outlet. IP-based PIN pads also need to be plugged in Ethernet jack. Therefore, if you are using an IP-based PIN pad, you will need two available power outlets and two Ethernet jacks (serial-based PIN pad configurations just need one Ethernet jack for the TranCloud device).

Connect the Hardware to Your Network

Complete the TranCloud hardware setup Steps 1 and 2. When you get to Step 3, return to this guide.

Set Up the PIN Pad in ChargeLogic Payments

  1. If you have not already done so, configure your Datacap Gateway Account using the ChargeLogic Payment Setup Wizard.

  2. Navigate to the Terminal Card for the user to which the PIN pad will be assigned and configure the Payment Device record.

  3. From the Dynamics 365 Business Central home page, select Setup & Extensions and then Manual Setup.

  1. Select ChargeLogic Payments from the Manual Setup List to open the ChargeLogic Payments Setup Card.

  1. Select the Stores action from the ribbon to open the Store List.

  1. Select the Store that you created for the Datacap account.

  1. Select the Terminals action in the ribbon to open the Terminal List for this Store.

  1. If the User does not have a Terminal, you will need to either assign an unlinked Terminal to the User by opening the Terminal Card for a Terminal with no Link Name and setting the Link Name to the User’s User ID or creating a new Terminal by clicking the New action in the ribbon and assigning a No. (e.g., 001) and a Link Name. If the User does have a Terminal assigned, open the Terminal Card now.

  1. Click the Account IDs action on the ribbon and make sure that the Terminal has an Account ID record for the Datacap account. If it doesn’t use the New button to add one now. Verify that the Terminal ID and Terminal ID (Test) fields are set to the TID for the merchant account. You can get this value from you merchant account VAR sheet.

  1. Close the Terminal Account IDs window to return to the Terminal Card. Click the Payment Devices action in the ribbon to open the Payment Devices List.

  1. Click the New action in the ribbon to add a new Payment Device record for the Terminal. Set the Device Type to PIN Pad, choose DATACAP as the Device Type Code, and enter the TranCloud Device ID in the Device ID field. You can find the TranCloud Device ID on a sticker on the TranCloud device. For IP-based PIN pads, set the Device Address to the IP address of the PIN pad and the Device Port to the Port configured for the PIN pad. These are usually found on the PIN pad’s splash screen that is displayed during boot-up.

Download the PIN Pad Settings

From the Payment Devices list, click the Register action in the ribbon to connect to the Datacap server and start the download. The download usually takes a few minutes, and you should see activity on the PIN pad.

Download the PIN pad settings (Alternate Method)

  1. From the Business Central home page, select Sales from the ribbon, and then select Payment Transactions.

  1. From the Transaction List, click the New button.

  1. Select the QRYTRAN Method from the list and click OK.

  1. Select the Store and Terminal you are setting up and click the Submit action in the ribbon to start the download.

  1. The download usually takes a few minutes, and you should see activity on the PIN pad. When the download is complete, you should see the Transaction Status change to Approved.

  1. If the Transaction Status does not change to Approved, check all of your setups, particularly the Payment Device settings, and try the Download PIN Pad Settings step again.

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