How To Set Up EMV PIN Pads on the Versapay Network
  • 27 Jun 2023
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How To Set Up EMV PIN Pads on the Versapay Network

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Article summary

Before You Begin

Before setting up hardware devices, you must first set up Versapay Payments and configure your VPYNETWORK Gateway Account using the Payment Setup Wizard.


Setting up PIN pads for face-to-face payments using Versapay Payments takes just a few minutes per device. PIN pads allow you to accept EMV (chip) cards for added security and decreased liability in the event of fraud. This article will cover setting up and using Card Present EMV devices on the Versapay Network. This integration utilizes Datacap as the EMV solution provider. Unlike the legacy integration, there is no Trancloud device necessary and no Datacap Gateway Account.  The following EMV devices are supported by the solution: Ingenico Lane 3000, Ingenico Move 5000 and Ingenico Lane 7000.

What You Need

Versapay Payments uses cloud-based technology to allow your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system to communicate with the PIN pad in your store or office. To set up a PIN pad, here’s what you need to purchase from Versapay:


This device allows your customer to swipe, tap, or insert to pay for purchases.


Power Cables

Depending on which model device you have, the PIN pad may requires power to operate (as opposed to charging), and each comes with its own power cable.

Ethernet Cable

The Lane 3000 and 7000 devices require an Ethernet cable, which is included in the box. The Move 5000 supports Wifi.

Download DC Direct

When you open the box and plug the device in for the first time, you’ll need to do a “download” to the device.  You’ll find notes in the box directing you to Follow the instructions up to and including setting the Date/Time for the device, then return to this document.

Set Up the PIN Pad in Versapay Payments

  1. If you have not already done so, configure your VPYNETWORK Gateway Account using the Payment Setup Wizard.

  2. Navigate to the Terminal Card for the user to which the PIN pad will be assigned and configure the Payment Device record.

    • From the Dynamics 365 Business Central home page, use the Search Box and type EFT Setup.

    • Select the Stores action from the ribbon to open the Store List.

  1. Select the Store that you are using for your VPYNETWORK account. In this example, it is simply called PINPAD.

  1. Select the Terminals action in the ribbon to open the Terminal List for this Store.

  1. If the User does not have a Terminal, you will need to either assign an unlinked Terminal to the User by opening the Terminal Card for a Terminal with no Link Name and setting the Link Name to the User’s User ID or creating a new Terminal by clicking the New action in the ribbon and assigning a No. (e.g., 001) and a Link Name. You can use the Use Current Terminal/User action to assign the current user’s Link Name to the terminal. If the User does have a Terminal assigned, open the Terminal Card now.

  1. Click the Account IDs action on the ribbon and make sure that the Terminal has an Account ID record for the VPYNETWORK account. If it doesn’t use the New button to add one now. Close the Terminal Account IDs window to return to the Terminal Card.

  2. Click the Payment Devices action in the ribbon to open the Payment Devices List.

  1. Click the New action in the ribbon to add a new Payment Device record for the Terminal. Set the Device Type to PIN Pad, choose VPYEMV as the Device Type Code, and enter the Lane ID that was provided to you for this device in the Device ID field.

Processing a Transaction

When it comes to actually running the transaction, it is very similar to the flow you are already familiar with. From the EFT Transaction Card, you’ll initialize the record by tabbing through to the Amount field. Depending on where the transaction was initiated from, you’ll either enter an amount to charge, or confirm the amount that has default for you.

Next, you’ll want to verify the Account Number and Expiration Month/Year fields are blank. If the customer had a default card, it would be populated and should be removed. Once you have confirmed these fields are blank, you can click the Submit button.

This will activate the device, and the cardholder can now dip, tap or swipe their card.

Upon completing the transaction, the device will tell you to remove the card, and the transaction response is returned to the ERP.

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