Navigating a POS Sales Line
  • 05 Jul 2023
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Navigating a POS Sales Line

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Article summary


In ChargeLogic Retail Express, Sales Lines are displayed in the Point of Sale interface to represent the items, offers, comments, orders, and payments that are a part of the sale. This topic will explain the different types of sales lines and how users can edit them.

Sales Line Icons

The different types of Sales Lines are represented by different icons.

  • The default Dropdown icon represents a standard item line.

  • The Coupon icon represents an offer line, which appears when an offer is applied to the sale.

  • The Comment icon represents a comment line, which cashiers can add to make notes to the sale.

  • The Order icon appears when an item is added to the sale as a special order.

  • The Tender icon represents payments that have been made to the sale.

Dropdown Button

The Dropdown Button is the leftmost element of the sale line. When this icon is clicked, the sales line will expand, showing the Quantity, Unit Price, and Discount Percentage on the line. Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to edit these values.


The description on the sales line shows the description of the item.

Quantity +/- Group

The Quantity Group contains plus and minus icons and shows the quantity of the item on the line. Clicking on the plus and minus icons will increment or decrement the quantity by one.


The Amount shows the total amount on the line, including any discount and deposit percentages.

Void Button

The Void Button is used to remove a sales line. When this icon is clicked, the sales line will be deleted.

Deposit Percentage

When an item is special ordered, the Deposit Percentage field is added to the expanded sales line for the special order line. Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to edit this value.

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