Navigating the Point of Sale Interface
  • 05 Jul 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Navigating the Point of Sale Interface

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Article summary


The Point of Sale interface is used to tender sales in ChargeLogic Retail Express. Use this guide to understand the different elements of the interface and how to use them. To see an example of how to tender a sale, see the help topic “Your First Sale.”

Document Header

The Document Header in the upper left corner of the interface shows the number of the current document. If a customer is selected, the header will also display the name of the customer.

Search Field

The Search Field can be used to search across Inventory and Customers by selecting inside the Search Field and typing the parameters for your search. Valid parameters include the Item or Customer No., Item Description, or Customer Name. If you enter a valid Item or Customer No. and press enter, that Item or Customer will be added to the sale.

If you are using a barcode scanner, the Search Field will also be used as the input for scanning.

This area of the interface also contains a keyboard button that can be toggled on and off, as indicated by the color of the button. When turned on, as indicated by the orange color of the button, the auto-focus feature will automatically place your cursor inside the Search Field. This feature can be useful if you are using a barcode scanner.

Sales Lines

The Sales Lines are directly below the Search Field. See the help topic “Anatomy of the POS Sales Line” for more information on the actions you can perform with Sales Lines in the Point of Sale Interface.


The Totals section displays context appropriate total amounts in the lower left corner of the interface. The Subtotal, Tax, and Total are always display. When needed, this area will also display the Payment and Invoice Discount totals, as well as the Amount Due Later for a special order in which a deposit is being made.

Pay Button

The Pay Button, located below the Totals section, shows the Balance of the sale. Clicking on the Pay Button will open the Tendering menu.

Command Buttons

The Command Buttons are used to perform a variety of different actions in the Point of Sale, which can be configured using the Point of Sale Button Designer. See the “Using the Retail Express Button Designer” help topic for more information.

The button configuration pictured above uses the default Point of Sale settings. For more information on the default buttons, see the “Default Point of Sale Button Configuration” help topic.

Document Footer

The document footer in the lower right corner of the interface contains several important items of information regarding the Retail Express document. “Cashier” shows the currently logged in Cashier. “Store” shows the current Store that is cashier is logged into. “Mode” shows either Sale or Return and indicates whether new Sales Lines will be added to the document as a Sale Line with a positive quantity and amount, or a Return Line with a negative quantity and amount. Finally, the current time is shown in the far right of the footer.

Interface Folders

While one or more folders are open, you will see folder tabs above the Command Buttons. To close folders, click the X button. Selecting the name of a folder will open the button set contained within that folder.

Tendering Screen

The tendering screen is used to complete the sale using your preferred tender type.

Sales Summary Lines

The Sales Summary Lines section shows all the Sales Lines in the sale as well as the totals. In addition to the totals that were displayed in the main interface, this section will also show Total Savings.


This section shows the Payment and Change amounts that will be tendered when a Tender Type is selected. When the tendering screen is opened, the Payment amount will default to the balance. The payment amount can be cleared by clicking the X icon to the left of the Payment amount. The amount can be manipulated using the Quick Cash or Keypad buttons.

Quick Cash

The Quick Cash buttons display denomination amounts from the denomination setup for Retail Express. You can configure the denominations shown in these buttons using the Interface Profile setup. See the “Local Currency Denominations” and “Interface Profile Configuration” help topics for more information.

Tender Types

Use the Tender Type buttons to tender the payment amount with the selected tender type. The tender types that are shown in these buttons can be configured in the POS Permission Sets. See the “Permission Set Configuration” help topic for more information.

Keypad Buttons

The Keypad buttons are used to change the Payment amount displayed in the Tendering Screen.

Back Button

The Back button in the upper right corner of the Tendering Screen is used to return to the main Point of Sale Interface without tendering the sale.

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