Refunding Payments from Versapay Merchant Services
  • 27 Jun 2023
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Refunding Payments from Versapay Merchant Services

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As a merchant who accepts payments from customers, needing to return that money to the customer when a sale is cancelled is also a situation you must be prepared for. With Versapay Payments for Business Central, there are two ways this can happen. Depending on how your account is setup dictates which options are available to you. The purpose of this document is to describe how someone using Versapay Merchant Services is able to refund money back to customer’s card.

When using Versapay Merchant services and the need to refund money to a customer arises, you’ll need to perform a Credit Card Refund. This can be found on the Customer Card, Customer List, and various Posted Sales Documents. A Credit Card Refund transaction, otherwise known as a ‘linked credit,’ must reference a prior charge when processing the transaction. The Credit Card Refund transaction card does not have a field for “Account Number”, only one for “Original Reference Number.”

Here, the user clicks the lookup in that field and must choose from a list of prior ‘Settle’ or ‘Charge’ transactions.

After clicking OK, the relevant values from the previous transaction are fill in, and the refund can be submitted.

A Credit Card Credit transaction, otherwise known as an ‘unlinked credit’ is a direct credit to the credit card specified on the transaction. The Credit Card Credit transaction card has the field for “Account Number” and does not reference a prior charge. The Credit Card Credit method is not supported when using Versapay Merchant Services.

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