Settlement & Fee Reporting – Exceptions
  • 27 Jun 2023
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Settlement & Fee Reporting – Exceptions

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Article summary


Versapay EFT Exceptions for Business Central enables the ERP to retrieve exceptions such as credit card chargebacks, ACH returns and ACH rejections from the Versapay Network, with the added ability to handle the accounting for the exceptions within the ERP.

EFT exceptions can occur from time-to-time for various reasons.  Once the processor posts an EFT exception, it will be stored within the Versapay Network until it is retrieved into the ERP. This can be done manually, or more likely, you’d create a recurring job queue process to pull in the EFT exceptions once they become available.  Once the exception has been retrieved into the ERP, the user must process the exception further.  The system will not automatically process the exception.


There are multiple setups that need to exist in order to take advantage of this feature. The list of features is below, but each will be covered in greater detail:

  1. Gateway Synchronization Codeunits

  2. Gateway Account

  3. Gateway Account Synchronization Setup

  4. Job Queue

Gateway Synchronization Codeunits

It is required that an EFT Gateway Synchronization Codeunit record related to the VPYNETWORK gateway is created for the Synchronization Type of Settlement Exception (as follows):

The Settlement Exception record should be added automatically upon upgrade or loading of the Versapay Payments application.  If they are not present, then you can run the “Repair Setup Data” action from the Gateway Card to add the required record, or you can add it manually.

Gateway Account

It is assumed that the user has previously created a VPYNETWORK (VPY) Gateway Account and has verified its connectivity with the Versapay Cloud Platform.  This could have been done through the Payment Setup Wizard, or setup manually. When using the Wizard, the EFT Synchronization Setup is created automatically for you. You will want to confirm that there is a record for the Synchronization Type of Settlement Exception.  You may need to update the Synchronization Direction from “No Integration” to “Cloud to ERP Only”. The screenshot below shows what the completed setup might look like.

Job Queue

Typically, it may be desired to run the retrieval of settlement exceptions using a Job Queue Entry.  It is recommended that the Job Queue Entry be set to run once per day (typically in the morning – seven days per week).  Set the Job Queue Entry to run codeunit 37028756 (EFT Exception Mgt.).


On the Versapay Payments Activities pane, you will find three new items:

  • Open EFT Exceptions – this is the indication to the user of exceptions that require attention.

  • Retrieve EFT Exceptions – a user can click this action to manually retrieve EFT exceptions. Use this action if you are not setting up a Job queue to retrieve exceptions automatically.

  • EFT Exceptions – this action will open a page of all EFT exceptions, whether they are open or not.

An example of open EFT Exceptions follows:

The user can choose from the following actions to handle the exception in the ERP:

  • Select EFT Transaction – The system uses the “Transaction Token” to locate the EFT Transaction that relates to the exception. If, for some reason, the system cannot locate an existing transaction using the “Transaction Token”, the user can use the “Select EFT Transaction” action to manually select an existing EFT Transaction that related to the exception.

  • Create Reversal – This action requires that the record selected is associated to an existing EFT Transaction. The action will un-apply and reverse the previously posted payment.  No EFT processing will occur.  This action is only usable if the exception amount reported from CDS is equal to the amount of the related EFT Transaction.

  • Create Refund – This action requires that the record is associated with an existing EFT Transaction. The action will create an open refund for the customer.  If the “Bank Account No.” is blank, the user must enter the Bank Account No. for the refund to process.  The “Create Refund” action can be used when the exception amount does not agree to the amount of the related EFT Transaction.

  • Acknowledge – If the exception has or will be handled outside of this page, then simply mark the exception as acknowledged to remove it from the Open EFT Exceptions cue.

  • Re-Open – If the exception was previously marked acknowledged and it is desired to either use the Create Reversal or Create Refund actions, click Re-Open so that further action can be taken on this exception from this page (you may need to open the EFT Exceptions page in order to find acknowledged records).

Once the exception has been handled, the exception will be automatically removed from the Open EFT Exceptions cue.

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