Start of Day and End of Day Procedures
  • 05 Jul 2023
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Start of Day and End of Day Procedures

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Article summary


ChargeLogic Retail Express allows you to set specific procedures that cashiers must follow at the start of every day or shift and at the end of every day or shift. These procedures are intended to keep your cash secure, maintain accurate cash balances in the system, and help with reconciliation and cash management.


There are two settings that impact your POS register opening procedures, and both can be found on the EFT Store Card or configured during the Retail Express Setup Wizard. It’s recommended that you enable the Remove at Close/Float at Open and Require Count at Close options. That will result in a cashier recording the starting drawer amount when a POS is opened for the day or shift, and the cashier who closes the POS will be required to count the cash drawer contents and remove it. The drawer will be empty between days or shifts.

Remove at Close/Float at Open

When this setting is enabled, the POS will automatically prompt the cashier to enter a float amount when a new day or shift starts.

Please Note

You can configure a default float amount on the EFT Terminal Card if you want to suggest the same float amount every time. Pairing this setting with Count Required to Close POS is recommended.

Count Required to Open POS

When this setting is enabled, the POS will automatically prompt the cashier to perform a count when a new day or shift starts. If the Remove at Close/Float at Open setting is enabled, the count operation occurs after the float operation. It is not typical to enable Count Required to Open POS when Remove at Close/Float at Open is enabled, as the drawer balance at the time of opening should be the float amount that the cashier just entered.

Count Required to Close POS

When this setting is enabled, the POS will automatically prompt the cashier to perform a count when a day or shift is closed. It is recommended that this setting be enabled to ensure an accurate drawer balance at the end of each day or shift.

Opening Procedures

At the start of each day or shift, the POS Logon window will display a message that the POS is currently closed.

Logging in as a cashier with permission to Open the POS will open the POS and run the opening procedures that you have configured. If Remove at Close/Float at Open is enabled, the cashier will be prompted for a float amount.

If Count Required to Open POS is enabled, the cashier will be prompted to count the drawer contents.

Once these activities have taken place, the POS will be ready for sales.

Closing Procedures

At the end of each day or shift, the last operation you perform at the POS should be to log on as a cashier with Close permissions and click the Close Day/Shift button.

This will start the closing procedures. If Count Required to Close POS is enabled, the cashier will be prompted to count the drawer contents.

If the difference between the counted amount and the calculated balance exceed the Maximum Discrepancy Amount for the Store, the cashier will be asked if the balance should be adjusted.

Next, if Remove at Close/Float at Open is enabled, a tender removal operation will be created that will remove all cash from the system’s drawer totals, and the cashier should remove all cash from the drawer. Finally, the Close Report (sometimes called a Z-Report) will be displayed.

Mid-Day Reporting (X-Report)

At times, you may want to see a snapshot of the day’s sales. You can view this information by clicking the X-Report button.

The system will generate a report showing sales, returns, cash drawer balances, and other information for the current Terminal.


Each time a POS is Opened during a single day, the system will create a new shift. If you don’t use shifts, don’t worry about it — just close the POS once at the end of the day and you will have all of your transactions in a single shift. If you do have multiple shifts, all you need to do is make sure that you run a Close operation at the end of each shift. The system will create a new shift for you the next time a cashier logs in that has the Open permission. Remember that the opening and closing operations, like tender counting, will need to be run for each shift.

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