Switching to Versapay Tokens with Bulk Processing
  • 14 Aug 2023
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Switching to Versapay Tokens with Bulk Processing

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This document will describe the process from converting from either Encrypted Storage or Connect’s Secure Remote Storage to the Tokenization using the Versapay Wallet. Please note that if the data protection type in the EFT Setup is already Tokenization, that means you are using processor tokenization, and because we don’t have access to the cardholder data (only the tokens), you will not be able to convert to Versapay’s tokenization service.

In order to begin this process, you’ll first need to be sure your VPYNETWORK gateway has been configured. This can be done by running the Payment Setup Wizard, or by manually creating a Gateway Account record, and doing all the related setups, such as the Synchronization Setups, Store/Terminals, and Cash Receipt Setup, etc. Setting up the Gateway Account is not covered any more in this document, with the following 2 exceptions. First, if you are running the Payment Setup Wizard, on the last page of the merchant account setup, where it asks if you wish the Verify Account, make sure you say No. That is done by clicking on the already selected option to turn it off. Here’s what it should look like:

Secondly, once the Gateway Account is setup, you will manually change the Data Protection Type on the Gateway Account Card to Tokenization. Upon doing so, you’ll receive a message that says the following:

Click Yes to proceed, as this is a new account and no transactions have been run against it. 

Once the gateway account has been configured, you can begin the process for migration. This is done in 3 basic steps:

  1. Bulk Upload Customer Records to the Versapay Cloud Platform

  2. Bulk Upload Credit Card/ACH accounts to the Versapay Cloud Platform

  3. Process Queued Authorizations (if applicable)

Let’s break these down in a little greater detail. For Step 1, you’ll need to upload your customers to the Versapay Cloud Platform. This is so that we can associate a particular wallet with a specific customer. From the Versapay Cloud Platform Activities pane, click the Open Bulk Upload Entries action. From here, choose the Actions > Start Other Bulk Upload folder. Here, you’ll choose Upload of Customers.

 A dialog box will appear allowing you to apply filters based on the Customer records.

Be careful when applying filters, as excluding customers that have credit cards to be tokenized will cause errors in the next step. If you do decide to filter, make sure you’re applying similar filters in the next steps.

Once the Bulk Upload Job is created, click the Process Bulk Upload Entries action.

This will begin the process of sending the data up to the Versapay Cloud Platform. You can click the Process Bulk Upload Entries action again until the Bulk Upload Status is Response Completed. Click the action one more time and the record will clear from the window as it will no longer be open.

Next, we need to upload our cardholder data. If you are using both Credit Cards and ACH, you’ll do these steps one after another, as the last step in the process will be to change the Data Protection Type in the EFT Setup to Tokenization. This document will focus on the Credit Card portion of this process.

Use the Upload of Credit Cards action found under the Other Bulk Uploads action. When selecting this action, you’ll be prompted to apply filters, if desired.

The first option is whether you wish to create tokens for Posted Transactions. If you say yes, you’ll enter a value in the date formular field to determine how far back for posted transactions you wish to create these tokens.  Next, you can apply filters based on the Customer record. If you filtered the Customer records being sent to the Versapay Cloud Platform, make sure you apply the same filters in this page.

When you click OK, you’ll see one entry in the Open Bulk Upload Entries page. If you were also doing ACH, now is the time to begin the Upload of Bank Accounts.

When you’re ready, click the Process Bulk Upload Entries action. Here you’ll see the status change from Not Sent to Response Complete. Depending on many records there are, this process can take a little while to complete.

If you click in the No. of Open Upload tokens, you’ll see one record per card, but they will be missing the token, Wallet Token and Fund Token as shown below.

You can click the Process Bulk Upload Entries action from the previous page to retrieve the tokens from the Versapay Cloud. When the status changes to Requires Manual Processing, you can re-open the No. of Open Upload Tokens and see these values have been updated.

In order to apply these changes, you need to assign yourself a default terminal in the newly created Store for the VPYNETWORK gateway you created. Once you’ve marked it as the Default, you can come back to the Open Bulk Upload Entries page, click on the No. of Open Upload Tokens, and click Apply Converted Tokens. Here, you’ll be prompted whether you wish to reverse any unused, unexpired authorizations from the previous gateway accounts, and create new Queued transactions for the VPYNETWORK Gateway Account. Normally, you will click Yes to complete this step, unless you want the existing authorizations to expire, and you’ll manually create new ones.

When this step is complete, you’ll get a message saying the Data Protection Type has been changed to Tokenization, and the record in the page will disappear.

You can confirm this process is complete by navigating to the EFT Setup, and confirming the Data Protection Type is Tokenization.

The last step is to process the Queued transactions, assuming you choose that option. On the Role Center, there’s a Cue for Queued Transactions. Click on this Cue, and you’ll see all the unexpired authorization that were recreated with the new gateway account. You can individually select on them and then choose the Submit action, or use the Select More option, select all the records you wish to process, and then click Submit.

This will then submit all these transactions, and you should see Approved Credit Card Authorizations in the Transaction List. From the Transaction List, you’ll see Approved Credit Card Reversals, and Voided Credit Card Authorizations from the previous Gateway Accounts. This is to be expected, again, assuming you choose to reverse and reauthorize with the new account.

Once this process is complete, you’ve successfully converted over to Versapay Tokens and can settle the existing authorizations as you normally would, as well as create new wallets for both new and existing customers.

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