Updating and Repairing Setups
  • 30 Jun 2023
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Updating and Repairing Setups

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Article summary


ChargeLogic Payments and ChargeLogic Retail Express were designed with flexibility in mind. Therefore, much of the functionality in the system is driven by setups. When first installed, the system will populate a set of default data that fits the needs of most users. Then, if your needs are slightly different, you can usually make the software work for you by adjusting those default setups. However, this flexibility means that, when misconfigured, these setups can cause the system to behave in unexpected ways. In addition, when new features are added after an upgrade, additional configuration may be needed.

Updating and Repairing Setups

Open the EFT Setup Card

All options for repairing or resetting setup data can be found on the EFT Setup Card.

  1. From your home page, select Manual Setup from the Setup & Extensions menu. This will open the Manual Setup List.

  1. Select ChargeLogic Payments from the Manual Setup List to open the EFT Setup Card.

Repair Setup Data

The Repair Setup Data action can be found on the Actions ribbon. When you click this action, the system will reset all default setup records to their default values, but any setup records that you have added will not be changed. This action is useful after an upgrade to have the system populate the setups for new features.

Reset Setup Data

The Reset Setup Data action can be found on the Actions ribbon. When you click this action, the system will try to populate the default setup values for every setup table in the system. If it finds that there is already data in a particular table, it will confirm whether you want to delete all existing data in the table before populating the default data. If you answer Yes, any custom setup records that you might have added to that particular table will be deleted. If you answer No, any custom setup records that you have added will remain, but any default records that are part of the default setups will be reverted to their default values. This action is useful if your system’s setups are preventing your system from behaving normally and erroneous setups are to blame.

Update Setup Data

The Update Setup Data action can be found on the Actions ribbon. When you click this action, the system will run a data upgrade routine intended to update or change critical setup data relevant to a software upgrade. If the data has already been updated, the system will let you know that it’s not necessary to update your setup data.

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