Versapay Cloud Portal Functions
  • 29 Jun 2023
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Versapay Cloud Portal Functions

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Article summary


With version 4.2.0.xx of Versapay ChargeLogic Payments, we have moved the Portal Management actions from the Payments menu to a new action on the customer card and customer list.

The new Manage Versapay Users action takes the ERP User to a Versapay Cloud Platform Users table which displays the list of Customers and Contacts who have synced with Versapay Cloud Platform.

(If the ERP User organization is enabled for the AR Automation suite and therefore had access to a Versapay supplier portal, they would see mirror data on the Supplier Portal.)

From the Versapay Cloud Platform Users table in Business Central, ERP Users can:

  • Send Invitations

  • Cancel Invitations

  • Delete a User

Adding Customer Users

When the Versapay Cloud Platform integration is in the test or live mode, any time you add a new Customer or Contact to Business Central, they will sync with the Versapay Cloud Platform and appear on the Versapay Cloud Platform Users table.

You can also add a new Customer User to the Versapay Customer Portal when you include them as a recipient of an email invoice. ERP Users can do this by navigating to a posted invoice and selecting the actions to Send Electronic Invoice.

That action will prompt the ERP user to choose to who they want to send this invoice notification.

If the ERP user selects “Enter a new email address” it will next prompt the uses for an email address of the desired recipient.

Once that invoice is sent, it will add that user to the Versapay Cloud Platform Users list.

Sending Invitations

To send an invitation to the Versapay Customer Portal from Business Central, the ERP User can highlight the Customer User on the Versapay Cloud Platform Users table and click “Send Invitation”. ERP Users can also multi-select more than one contact to send invitations to several Customer Users at once.

Sending an invitation from the ERP will result in the Customer User getting an email invitation at the email address specified on the Versapay Cloud Platform Users table.

Cancel Invitation

Customer Users who are not yet activated, meaning they have not yet logged into the Versapay Customer Portal, can have their invitation canceled. Canceling an invitation will invalidate the link that was send to that user in the invitation email.

To cancel an invitation, the ERP User can highlight the Customer User on the list and click “Cancel Invitation”. ERP Users can also multi select more than one Customer User to cancel invitations for several users at once.

Delete Users

Deleting a user is simply removing them from the Versapay Cloud Platform. However, the deleted Customer User will remain a Customer or Contact in Business Central.

If a Customer User has successfully logged into the Versapay Customer Portal, they can no longer be deleted. Only users who have not yet been activated or logged in can be deleted.

Since deleting a customer user from the Versapay Customer Portal does not remove them from the Business Central customer contact list, if that contact is updated or modified in any way in Business Central, while the Versapay Clout Platform Integration is in Test or Live mode, that customer users will sync back to the Versapay Cloud Platform and that user will appear back on this list.

Invite Users

When the Versapay Cloud Platform integration is in test or live mode, you can add a new user to the portal simply by navigating to a posted invoice and selecting the actions to Send Electronic Invoice.

That action will prompt the ERP user to choose who they want to send this invoice notification to.

If the ERP users selects “Enter a new email address” it will next prompt the uses for a email address of the desired recipient.

Once that invoice is sent, it will add that user to the Versapay Cloud Platform Users list.

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