Versapay Cloud Wallet
  • 29 Jun 2023
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Versapay Cloud Wallet

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Article summary


The Versapay Cloud Wallet allows users of the customer portal or eCommerce solutions to store payment methods in a wallet that is accessible in both the ERP and portal experience.

The Wallet is setup on the Versapay Cloud Platform Setup. See the General Operations article for details on setting up the Versapay Cloud Platform.

When the VPCP integration is enabled, and users add a new credit card or ACH account to Business Central that card will be tokenized and added to the wallet. No changes to the user experience in BC.

If the customer has access to the Customer Portal on VPCP, then that customer will see the same payment method listed there as well.

The wallet integration is bi-directional. So, if a user of the Customer Portal on VPCP enters a card there, that card will be returned to Business Central and we note in the description field that the card was created on the VPCP.

Wallet Entries in the Versapay Log Entries 

On the Open Log Entries screen, users can select wallet entries and “Wallet Changes” to see the action that was taken. This can include modifying existing entries, adding new entries, and deleting entries.

Once a wallet Log Entry is processed it will update the customer account record. You can find these changes and the associated Wallet Token on the Customer Credit Cards list or Checking Accounts list in Business Central.

Uploading Payment Methods

Customer using Encrypted Storage, Remote Storage or Tokenization with the Versapay Gateway only can take existing payment method records from Business Central (credit cards and ACH accounts) and sync those with the Versapay Wallet.

From the VPCP Log Entries page, choose Actions and Mass Create Wallet Entries.

Please Note

The wallet does not create entries for customers using the Paynow page as those users are not offered the option to store a payment method. Only customers who are logging into some level of portal on the VPCP or using the eCommerce solution will create a wallet record.

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